Agile (Weapon Enchantment)

Weapon Enchantment

Agile weapons are unusually well balanced and responsive. A wielder with the Weapon Finesse feat can choose to apply her Dexterity modifier to damage rolls with an agile weapon in place of her Strength modifier (whichever is higher). This modifier to damage is not increased for two-handed weapons, but still reduced for off-hand weapons.

Agile (Weapon Enchantment) is a Weapon Enchantment in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Some Weapons can feature Weapon Enchantments, these are special magic characteristics imbued into them that can improve weapons' damage and performance. 


Pathfinder: WOTR Agile (Weapon Enchantment) Effect

  • Agile weapons are unusually well balanced and responsive. A wielder with the Weapon Finesse feat can choose to apply her Dexterity modifier to damage rolls with an agile weapon in place of her Strength modifier (whichever is higher). This modifier to damage is not increased for two-handed weapons, but still reduced for off-hand weapons.


What Weapons have Agile (Weapon Enchantment) in Pathfinder: WOTR?

The following weapons feature Agile (Weapon Enchantment):




Agile (Weapon Enchantment) Enchantment Tips & Notes

  • Notes & Tips go here


All Weapon Enchantments in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Anarchic  ♦  Arcane Inscriptions  ♦  Axiomatic  ♦  Bane (Weapon Enchantment)  ♦  Beguiling  ♦  Blessed Weapon  ♦  Breaker of Wills  ♦  Brilliant Energy  ♦  Composite  ♦  Corrosive  ♦  Death Reservoir  ♦  Destructive  ♦  Deteriorative  ♦  Elite Expertise  ♦  Enhancement +n  ♦  Extinguisher (Weapon Enchantment)  ♦  Eye Gouger (Weapon Enchantment)  ♦  Fire Gemstone  ♦  Flaming  ♦  Freezing  ♦  Furious  ♦  Ghost Touch  ♦  Greater Corrosive  ♦  Greater Flaming  ♦  Greater Frost  ♦  Greater Necrotic  ♦  Greater Shock  ♦  Greater Speed  ♦  Heavy Blow  ♦  Holy  ♦  Impervious  ♦  Improved Critical Multiplier  ♦  Incinerating  ♦  Keen  ♦  Lethal  ♦  Longshank Bane (Weapon Enchantment)  ♦  Loyal  ♦  Necrotic  ♦  Necrotic Burst  ♦  Oversized  ♦  Poison Resistance (Weapon Enchantment)  ♦  Runic Mageblade  ♦  Sacrificial  ♦  Shock  ♦  Slowdown  ♦  Speed  ♦  Strength  ♦  Strength (Weapon Enchantment)  ♦  The luck of the draw  ♦  Thundering  ♦  Torpor (Weapon Enchantment)  ♦  Ultrasound  ♦  Unfair Advantage  ♦  Unholy  ♦  Unstoppable (Weapon Enchantment)  ♦  Unyielding  ♦  Venomous  ♦  Vicious  ♦  Wrath of the Bear God


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