Arcane EnforcerSlayer Archetype |
![]() Fortitude High |
![]() Will Low |
![]() Reflex High |
![]() Base Attack Bonus High |
![]() HP per level 6/ Level |
![]() HP 10 |
Class Initial Features |
Class Skills |
Arcane Enforcer is a class in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Skilled at tracking down targets, Arcane Enforcers are consummate hunters, living for the chase and the deadly stroke that brings it to a close. Arcane Enforcers spend most of their time honing their weapon skills, studying the habits and anatomy of foes, and practicing combat maneuvers.
"Some slayers study the arcane knowledge to learn new efficient ways of hunting their targets. They are known as arcane enforcers."
Arcane Enforcer Information
- Base Class: Slayer
- High saves: Fortitude, Reflex
- Class skills: Stealth, Mobility, Perception, Athletics, Knowledge (World), Lore (Nature), Persuasion.
- A Slayer is proficient with all simple and Martial Weapons, as well as with Light Armor, Medium Armor, and Shields(except tower shields).
Arcane Enforcer Progression
Slayer Proficiencies
A Slayer is proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons, as well as with Light Armor, Medium Armor, and Shields (except tower shields).
Studied Target
A character can study an opponent he can see as a bonus move action. The character then gains a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against it. The save DCs of character class abilities against that opponent increase by 1.
If a character deals sneak attack damage to a target, he studies that target, allowing him to apply his studied target bonuses against that target (including to the normal weapon damage roll).
At 5th, 10th, 15th amd 20th levels, the bonuses on weapon attack rolls, damage rolls and to character save DCs against a studed target increase by 1.
At 7th level, a character can study an opponent as a move or Swift Action.
Slayer Talents
As a Slayer gains experience, he learns a number of talents that aid him and confound his foes. Starting at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, a Slayer gains one slayer talent.
Slayer can take Rogue Talents as Slayer Talents, counting his Slayer level as a Rogue level.
After 2nd level, the Slayer can select a ranger combat style (such as archery or two-weapon combat) and gains a combat Feat from the first feat list of that style. He can choose Feats from his selected combat style, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites. After 6th level, he may select this talent again and add the 6th-level Ranger combat Feats from his chosen style to the list. After 10th level, he may select this talent again and add the 10th level Ranger combat Feats from his chosen style to the list.
Arcanist Exploits
By bending and sometimes even breaking the rules of magic, the Arcanist learns to exploit gaps and exceptions in the laws of magic. Some of these exploits allow him to break down various forms of magic, adding their essence to her arcane reservoir. At 1st level and every 2 levels thereafter, the arcanist learns a new arcane exploit. An arcanist exploit cannot be selected more than once. Once an arcanist exploit has been selected, it cannot be changed. Most arcanist exploits require the arcanist to expend points from his arcane reservoir to function. Unless otherwise noted, the saving throw DC for an arcanist exploit is equal to 10 + half the arcanist's level + the arcanist's Charisma modifier.
Sneak Attack
If a character can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from his attack, he can strike a vital spot for extra damage.
The character's attack deals extra damage anytime his target would be denied a Dexterity Bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the character flanks his target. This extra damage is 1d6 and increases by 1d6 at later levels. This additional damage is precision damage and is not multiplied on a Critical Strike.
The character must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot.
Greater Exploits
At 11th level and every 2 levels thereafter, an arcanist can choose one of the greater exploits in place of an arcanist exploit.
Arcane Reservoir
An Arcanist has an innate pool of magical energy that he can draw upon to fuel his arcanist exploits and enhance his Spells. The arcanist's Arcane Reservoir can hold a maximum amount of magical energy equal to 3 + the arcanist's level. Each day, when preparing Spells, the Arcanist's Arcane Reservoir fills with raw magical energy, gaining a number of points equal to 3 + half his arcanist level. Any points he had from the previous day are lost. He can also regain these points through the consume Spells class feature and some Arcanist Exploits. The Arcane Reservoir can never hold more points than the maximum amount noted above; points gained in excess of this total are lost.
Points from the Arcanist Reservoir are used to fuel many of the Arcanist's powers. In addition, the arcanist can expend 1 point from his arcane reservoir as a Free Action whenever he casts an arcanist spell. If he does, he can choose to increase the Caster Level by 1 or increase the spell's DC by 1. He can expend no more than 1 point from her reservoir on a given spell in this way.
Advanced Talents
After 10th level, a character can choose one of the Advanced Rogue Talents in a place of a Rogue Talent.
Classes |
Alchemist ♦ Aldori Swordlord ♦ Arcane Trickster ♦ Arcanist ♦ Assassin ♦ Barbarian ♦ Bard ♦ Bloodrager ♦ Cavalier ♦ Cleric ♦ Dragon Disciple ♦ Druid ♦ Duelist ♦ Eldritch Knight ♦ Fighter ♦ Hellknight ♦ Hellknight Signifer ♦ Hunter ♦ Inquisitor ♦ Kineticist ♦ Loremaster ♦ Magus ♦ Monk ♦ Mystic Theurge ♦ Oracle ♦ Paladin ♦ Ranger ♦ Rogue ♦ Shaman ♦ Skald ♦ Slayer ♦ Sorcerer ♦ Stalwart Defender ♦ Student of War ♦ Warpriest ♦ Winter Witch ♦ Witch ♦ Wizard |