Burning Arc

burning arc spell pathfinder kingmaker wiki guide 64px

Burn target for 1d6 fire damage per level (up to 10d6). Burn one more enemy within 15ft for every 3 levels for half damage (rounded down). Reflex halves damages for any target.


target center creature pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 75px
One enemy creature within close range.




Reflex half


Affected by target's spell resistance.




Standard Action

Burning Arc is a Evocation Spell in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Burning Arc is a 2 from the Evocation school. Spells in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous can be used for both dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments or to buff Characters.


Burning Arc Information

Spell Details:

  • Target:
    target center creature pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 75px
    One enemy creature within close range.
  • Duration: --
  • Saving Throw: --
  • Spell Resistance: Affected by target's spell resistance
  • Spell Descriptors: --
  • Casting Time: Standard action
  • Spell Effect: This spell causes an arc of flame to leap from your fingers, burning one enemy nearby plus one additional enemy per 3 caster levels, each of which must be within 15 feet of the primary target.

    It deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 10d6) to the primary target. For every additional target, reduce the number of damage dice by half (rounded down).

    Each target can attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage. 


How to Acquire Burning Arc

Burning Arc can be obtained by the following classes:

Burning Arc can be cast by using the following Items:

  • Item ??
  • Weapon ??
  • Armor ??


Burning Arc Tips & Notes

  • Notes and Tips go here...


Evocation Spells
Abyssal Chains  ♦  Abyssal Storm  ♦  Arbitrament  ♦  Archon's Aura  ♦  Arrow of Law  ♦  Battering Blast  ♦  Blade Barrier  ♦  Blade of the Sun  ♦  Blasphemy  ♦  Brilliant Inspiration  ♦  Burning Entanglement  ♦  Burning Hands  ♦  Call Lightning (Spell)  ♦  Call Lightning Storm  ♦  Caustic Eruption  ♦  Chain Lightning  ♦  Chaos Hammer  ♦  Cleanse  ♦  Cold Ice Strike  ♦  Cone of Cold  ♦  Controlled Fireball  ♦  Dictum  ♦  Divine Favor  ♦  Divine Power  ♦  Dragon's Breath  ♦  Ear-Piercing Scream  ♦  Elemental Assessor  ♦  Faerie Fire  ♦  Fire Snake  ♦  Fire Storm  ♦  Fireball  ♦  Flame Strike  ♦  Flames of the Abyss  ♦  Flare  ♦  Flare Burst  ♦  Force Punch  ♦  Freezing Nothingness  ♦  Frigid Touch  ♦  Glitterdust  ♦  Hellfire Ray  ♦  Holy Smite  ♦  Holy Sword  ♦  Holy Whisper  ♦  Holy Word  ♦  Ice Storm  ♦  Icy Prison  ♦  Icy Prison, Mass  ♦  Jolting Portent  ♦  Ki Shout  ♦  Light  ♦  Lightning Bolt  ♦  Magic Missile  ♦  Molten Orb  ♦  Order's Wrath  ♦  Poison Breath  ♦  Polar Ray  ♦  Prismatic Spray  ♦  Profane Nimbus  ♦  Rainbow Arrows  ♦  Ray of Frost  ♦  Resounding Blow  ♦  Sacred Nimbus  ♦  Scorching Ray  ♦  Searing Light  ♦  Shield of Dawn  ♦  Shocking Grasp  ♦  Shout  ♦  Shout, Greater  ♦  Sirocco  ♦  Sound Burst  ♦  Storm Bolts  ♦  Stormbolts  ♦  Sudden Squall  ♦  Sunbeam (Spell)  ♦  Sunburst  ♦  Supernova  ♦  Thundering Drums  ♦  Unholy Blight  ♦  Voice of Renewal  ♦  Volcanic Storm  ♦  Wall of Light  ♦  Winds of Vengeance  ♦  Word of Chaos

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