Graveyard Keeper's Helmet

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This helmet grants the wearer a +2 bonus to AC against undead creatures.


4 lbs.



Graveyard Keeper's Helmet is a Helm armor piece in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Helms, Hats, and Masks is an armor piece where the player's characters can wear on their head or on thier face. Each helm, helmet, hat, or mask contain its unique defensive stats, effects, bonuses, skill checks, and more when they are equipped. Helms are usually obtained as rewards from completing quests, purchased from merchants, looted from various locations, crafted, or are dropped by enemies and bosses.



Graveyard Keeper's Helmet Information


  • This helmet grants the wearer a +2 bonus to AC against undead creatures.

Item Information:

  • Weight: 4 lbs.
  • Sell Value: 3000


Where to Find Graveyard Keeper's Helmet

 The Graveyard Keeper's Helmet can be found during the battle of Drezen.  It is in the south-west corner of the map, in a graveyard, Perception (DC: 21) to notice, near where Regil's choice takes place.

Graveyard Keeper's Helmet Tips & Builds

  • ???
  • Notes, Tips, and other Trivia


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Helms
Ancestral Retribution  ♦  Ancestral Retribution Helm  ♦  Angelbloom Crown  ♦  Apex Predator  ♦  Battle Mage's Headband  ♦  Black Dragonscale Helmet  ♦  Black Hat of Handsomeness  ♦  Blazing Crown  ♦  Blinding Enlightenment  ♦  Blue Dragonscale Helmet  ♦  Blue Hat of Handsomeness  ♦  Bookworm's Headband  ♦  Brightest Darkness  ♦  Cheerful Warrior's Helm  ♦  Circlet of Faith  ♦  Circlet of Ghostly Pathways  ♦  Clear Vision  ♦  Clemency of Shadows  ♦  Clemency of Shadows Helm  ♦  Clumsy Helmet  ♦  Conthyr's Wisdom  ♦  Conthyr's Wisdom(helm)  ♦  Crown  ♦  Crown of Elements  ♦  Crown of Fear  ♦  Crushing Presence  ♦  Dark Revelation  ♦  Darkness Caress  ♦  Dead Man's Hat  ♦  Deceiver's Hat  ♦  Demonic Resentment  ♦  Doubling Annoyance  ♦  Draven's Hat  ♦  Dwarven Champion's Helmet  ♦  Eel's Circlet  ♦  Evasive Round Helmet  ♦  Expert's Hat  ♦  Eyes of the Eagle  ♦  Face-Stealer's Mask  ♦  Faultless Protection  ♦  Flamboyant Hat  ♦  Flawless Headband of Mental Perfection +8  ♦  Frozen Shout  ♦  Gnawing Magic  ♦  Gnome Brave's Helmet  ♦  Golden Thread  ♦  Greater Kinetic Diadem  ♦  Green Dragonscale Helmet  ♦  Green Hat of Handsomeness  ♦  Gusty Brawler  ♦  Hat of Mental Perfection +8  ♦  Headband of Alluring Charisma +2  ♦  Headband of Alluring Charisma +4  ♦  Headband of Alluring Charisma +6  ♦  Headband of Confidence  ♦  Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2  ♦  Headband of Inspired Wisdom +4  ♦  Headband of Inspired Wisdom +6  ♦  Headband of Mental Flow +2  ♦  Headband of Mental Might +2  ♦  Headband of Mental Perfection +2  ♦  Headband of Mental Perfection +4  ♦  Headband of Mental Perfection +6  ♦  Headband of Reshaping  ♦  Headband of Rigorous Training  ♦  Headband of Subjugator  ♦  Headband of Vast Intelligence +2  ♦  Headband of Vast Intelligence +4  ♦  Headband of Vast Intelligence +6  ♦  Headband of Wise Negotiator  ♦  Headbutter's Helm  ♦  Hellknight Helmet  ♦  Helm of Devotion  ♦  Helm of Fearless Vanguard  ♦  Helm of Static Discharge  ♦  Helmet of Battlefield Clarity  ♦  Helmet of Comradery  ♦  Helmet of Confidence  ♦  Helmet of Durable Cavalier  ♦  Helmet of Electrical Discharge  ♦  Helmet of Elemental Guard  ♦  Helmet of the Abyss Killer  ♦  Helmet of the Dusk  ♦  Helmet of the Guiding light  ♦  Helmet of Weakening Torture  ♦  Identifying Glasses  ♦  Jasper Circlet  ♦  Judgemental Gaze  ♦  Killjoy  ♦  Kinetic Diadem  ♦  Knight's Helmet  ♦  Lenses of Prolonged Gaze  ♦  Lesser Kinetic Diadem  ♦  Lesser Phylactery of Negative Channeling  ♦  Lesser Phylactery of Positive Channeling  ♦  Lightning Chaser  ♦  Marksman's Headset  ♦  Mask of Nethys  ♦  Mask of Nothing  ♦  Mask of the Most Worthy  ♦  Morbid Stare  ♦  Mystic Archaeologist's Helmet  ♦  Obsidian Mask of the Champion  ♦  Owlbear Fur Helmet  ♦  Perfect Tiara of Channeling  ♦  Philosopher's Hat  ♦  Phylactery of Negative Channeling  ♦  Phylactery of Positive Channeling  ♦  Planar Navigator  ♦  Planar Navigator Helm  ♦  Pristine Mind (Head)  ♦  Professor's Hat  ♦  Red Dragon Helmet  ♦  Red Dragonscale Helmet  ♦  Red Hat of Handsomeness  ♦  Rugged Helmet  ♦  Shapeshifter's Helm  ♦  Sharp Eye  ♦  Shiny Helmet  ♦  Shy Lily's Helmet  ♦  Sparkling Helmet  ♦  Stag Helmet  ♦  Stalwart Warrior's Luck  ♦  Stubborn Head  ♦  Sturdy Snoot  ♦  Swift Shadow  ♦  The Paragon of Defenders  ♦  The Steward of the Skein's Defiled Helmet  ♦  Tight Helmet  ♦  Triple Fin Helmet  ♦  Twilight Shade  ♦  Unshakable Composure  ♦  Warden's Circlet  ♦  Warding Helmet  ♦  Warpainted Skull of Duthica  ♦  Wind Master Helmet  ♦  Zaori's Beauty  ♦  Zaori's Tiara

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    • Anonymous

      Where to find: If you choose to follow Regill's plan when sieging Drezen for the first time, it's in a grave at the beginning where the hellknights are camped, you must pass a perception check to spot it

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