Heavy Mace is a weapon type in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, it belongs to Simple Proficiency Group.
All Heavy Maces in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Quick Search of All Heavy Maces in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
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Alkaline Mace |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +2 | This +2 corrosive heavy mace allows its wielder to throw an acid bomb three times per day. Acid bombs launched from this mace deal 3d6+5 acid damage on a direct hit. |
Terror Bringer |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +2 | This +2 heavy mace grants its wielder the ability to cast boneshaker spell twice per day as a 3rd level wizard. |
Eradicator |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +4 | This +4 unholy mace grants its wielder the ability to cast slay living spell once per day as a 11th level cleric. |
Mallet of Woe |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +3 | This +3 heavy mace deals 2d6 damage and grants its wielder the continuous effect of freedom of movement spell. |
Skullcrusher |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +2 | Whenever this +2 heavy mace confirms a critical hit, the target needs to succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 17) or become stunned for 1d4 rounds. If the saving throw is successful, the target is staggered for 1 round instead. |
Malevolent Corrosion |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +4 | Each time this +4 corrosive heavy mace lands a hit, it gives the target vulnerability to acid. Multiple application of this effect do not stack. |
Malevolent Singe |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +4 | Each time this +4 flaming heavy mace lands a hit, it gives the target vulnerability to fire. Multiple applications of this effect do not stack. |
Malevolent Frostbite |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +4 | When this +4 frost heavy mace lands a hit, it gives the target vulnerability to cold. Multiple applications of this effect do not stack. |
Malevolent Storm |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +4 | When this +4 shock heavy mace lands a hit, it gives the target vulnerability to electricity. Multiple applications of this effect do not stack. |
Authority |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +5 | This unholy heavy mace +5 grants its wielder fire immunity and a +5 bonus on Persuasion skill checks. On a successful hit, the target must succeed on a DC 21 fortitude check or be set on fire for |
Executioner |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +2 | This weapon is a +2 human bane morningstar. |
Righteous Punishement |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +4 | This +4 heavy mace gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls against the targets affected by smite evil or Mark of Justice effects. |
Sovereign |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +5 | Whenever the wielder of this +5 heavy mace successfully hits a new target for the first time, it grants them a stacking +1 bonus to AC, attack rolls, and all saving throws until the ened of the battle. |
Voice of Hollow |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +2 | Whenever the wielder of this +2 mithral heavy mace confirms a critical Mt with it, a loud sound is produced. All enemies in a 30 feet cone, except the target, have to pass a Will saving throw (DC 16) or be affected with the Voices of Hollow effect for 1 d4 rounds. Voices of Hollow: Every turn the target is randomly affected with one of the following: 50% chance they behave normally, but suffer 2d6 sonic damage, 50% chance they attack the nearest creature. |
Heavy Mace of Fire |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +1 | This +1 heavy mace deals an additional 1d3 fire damage on a hit. |
Sapping Assault |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +3 | Whenever this +3 necrotic heavy mace confirms a critical hit while it is under the effect of the Lich's vampiric blade spell, the enemy suffers an ability drain to Strength and the wielder gets +1 bonus to strength until the end of the encounter. This effect can stack up to 4 points. |
Sun Stroke |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +3 | Whenever this +3 radiant cold iron heavy mace lands a hit, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 23) or become sickened for 1d4 rounds. |
Defiler |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +4 | This +4 unholy heavy mace increase the amount of damage Channel Negative Energy does to living creatures or heals undead creatures by 2d6. |
Grasp of Devotion |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +5 | Whenever the wielder of this +5 holy heavy mace lands a killing blow, their next spell becomes extended as though using the Extend Spell feat. Extend Spell: An extended spell lasts twice as long as normal. A spell with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat. |
Finnean the Talking Weapon |
Simple | 20(x2) | 6 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d8 (Bludgeoning) | +3 | This is a +3 ghost touch heartseaker weapon. This weapon can tear the soul of a living enemy: whenever it lands a hit, it deals additional 1d6 force damage. |
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