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All Feats in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous 
Ability Focus  ♦  Ability Focus - Bombs  ♦  Accomplished Sneak Attacker  ♦  Agile Maneuvers  ♦  Aldori Dueling Mastery  ♦  Alertness  ♦  Allied Spellcaster  ♦  Arcane Armor Mastery  ♦  Arcane Armor Training  ♦  Arcane Strike  ♦  Armor Focus  ♦  Armor Proficiency (Heavy Armor)  ♦  Armor Proficiency (Light Armor)  ♦  Armor Proficiency (Medium Armor)  ♦  Augment Summoning  ♦  Augment Summoning (Class Feature)  ♦  Back to Back  ♦  Bashing Finish  ♦  Blind Fight  ♦  Blinding Critical  ♦  Blood Drinker (Dhampir)  ♦  Blood Feaster (Dhampir)  ♦  Boon Companion  ♦  Bull Rush  ♦  Cautious Fighter  ♦  Cleave  ♦  Cleaving Finish  ♦  Clustered Shots  ♦  Combat Casting  ♦  Combat Expertise  ♦  Combat Mobility  ♦  Combat Reflexes  ♦  Coordinated Defense  ♦  Coordinated Maneuver  ♦  Coordinated Maneuvers  ♦  Cornugon Smash  ♦  Crane Riposte  ♦  Crane Style  ♦  Crane Wing  ♦  Critical Focus  ♦  Critical Mastery  ♦  Crushing Blow  ♦  Dazzling Display  ♦  Deadly Aim  ♦  Deceitful  ♦  Defensive Combat Training  ♦  Deflect Arrow  ♦  Deft Hands  ♦  Destructive Dispel  ♦  Diehard  ♦  Dirty Trick  ♦  Disarm  ♦  Discerning Eye  ♦  Dispel Synergy  ♦  Disruptive  ♦  Dodge  ♦  Double Slice  ♦  Dragon Ferocity  ♦  Dragon Roar  ♦  Dragon Style  ♦  Dreadful Carnage  ♦  Echoes of Stone  ♦  Elemental Fist  ♦  Elven Spirit  ♦  Energized Wild Shape  ♦  Exhausting Critical  ♦  Exotic Weapon Proficiency  ♦  Extended Aspects  ♦  Extra Arcane Pool  ♦  Extra Bane  ♦  Extra Bombs  ♦  Extra Channel  ♦  Extra Lay on Hands  ♦  Extra Performance  ♦  Extra Rage  ♦  Extra Rage Power  ♦  Fast Learner  ♦  Favorite Metamagic - Bolstered  ♦  Favorite Metamagic - Empower  ♦  Favorite Metamagic - Extend  ♦  Favorite Metamagic - Maximize  ♦  Favorite Metamagic - Quicken  ♦  Favorite Metamagic - Reach  ♦  Fencing Grace  ♦  Frightful Shape  ♦  Fury's Fall  ♦  Great Cleave  ♦  Great Fortitude  ♦  Great Shield Focus  ♦  Greater Blind Fight  ♦  Greater Blind-Fight  ♦  Greater Bull Rush  ♦  Greater Dirty Trick  ♦  Greater Disarm  ♦  Greater Elemental Focus  ♦  Greater Penetrating Strike  ♦  Greater Snap Shot  ♦  Greater Spell Focus  ♦  Greater Spell Penetration  ♦  Greater Sunder Armor  ♦  Greater Trip  ♦  Greater Two Weapon Fighting  ♦  Greater Vital Strike  ♦  Greater Weapon Focus  ♦  Greater Weapon Specialization  ♦  Hammer the Gap  ♦  Improve Unarmed Strike  ♦  Improved Blind-Fight  ♦  Improved Cleaving Finish  ♦  Improved Critical  ♦  Improved Elven Immunities  ♦  Improved Great Fortitude  ♦  Improved Initiative  ♦  Improved Iron Will  ♦  Improved Lightning Reflexes  ♦  Improved Precise Shot  ♦  Improved Snap Shot  ♦  Improved Two-Weapon Fighting  ♦  Improved Vital Strike  ♦  Indomitable Mount  ♦  Intimidating Prowess  ♦  Iron Will  ♦  Ironguts  ♦  Ironhide  ♦  Life-Dominant Soul (Dhampir)  ♦  Light Armor Focus  ♦  Lightning Reflexes  ♦  Lingering Performance  ♦  Lunge  ♦  Magical Tail (Kitsune)  ♦  Manyshot  ♦  Martial Weapons Proficiency  ♦  Medium Armor Focus  ♦  Metamagic (Bolster Spell)  ♦  Metamagic (Completely Normal Spell)  ♦  Metamagic (Empower)  ♦  Metamagic (Empower Spell)  ♦  Metamagic (Extend)  ♦  Metamagic (Extend Spell)  ♦  Metamagic (Heighten)  ♦  Metamagic (Heighten Spell)  ♦  Metamagic (Maximize)  ♦  Metamagic (Maximize Spell)  ♦  Metamagic (Persistent)  ♦  Metamagic (Persistent Spell)  ♦  Metamagic (Quicken)  ♦  Metamagic (Quicken Spell)  ♦  Metamagic (Reach)  ♦  Metamagic (Reach Spell)  ♦  Metamagic (Selective)  ♦  Metamagic (Selective Spell)  ♦  Missile Shield  ♦  Mounted Combat  ♦  Mounted Shield  ♦  Murmurs of Earth  ♦  Natural Charmer (Dhampir)  ♦  Natural Spell  ♦  Outflank  ♦  Penetrating Strike  ♦  Persuasive  ♦  Piranha Strike  ♦  Point Blank Master  ♦  Point-Blank Shot  ♦  Power Attack  ♦  Precise Shot  ♦  Precise Strike  ♦  Pummeling Bully  ♦  Pummeling Charge  ♦  Pummeling Style  ♦  Quicken Spell  ♦  Raking Claws  ♦  Rapid Shot  ♦  Ray Shield  ♦  Razortusk  ♦  Seize the Moment  ♦  Selective Channel  ♦  Shadowplay  ♦  Shaitan Earthblast  ♦  Shaitan Skin  ♦  Shake It Off  ♦  Shatter Defenses  ♦  Shield Bash  ♦  Shield Focus  ♦  Shield Master  ♦  Shield Proficiency  ♦  Shield Wall  ♦  Shielded Caster  ♦  Shifter's Edge  ♦  Shifter's Rush  ♦  Sickening Critical  ♦  Simple Weapon Proficiency  ♦  Skill Focus  ♦  Skill Focus - Athletics  ♦  Skill Focus - Knowledge (Arcana)  ♦  Skill Focus - Lore (Nature)  ♦  Skill Focus - Mobility  ♦  Skill Focus - Perception  ♦  Skill Focus - Persuasion  ♦  Skill Focus - Stealth  ♦  Skill Focus - Trickery  ♦  Skill Focus - Use Magic Device  ♦  Slashing Grace  ♦  Spell Focus  ♦  Spell Penetration  ♦  Spell Specialization  ♦  Spirited Charge  ♦  Staggering Critical  ♦  Stealthy  ♦  Steel Soul  ♦  Stony Step  ♦  Stunning Fist  ♦  Sunder Armor  ♦  Superior Summoning  ♦  Tandem Trip  ♦  Throw Anything  ♦  Tiring Critical  ♦  Toughness  ♦  Tower Shield Proficiency  ♦  Trample  ♦  Trip  ♦  Two-Weapon Fighting  ♦  Vital Strike  ♦  Volley Fire  ♦  Vulpine Pounce  ♦  Warrior Priest  ♦  Weapon Finesse  ♦  Weapon Focus  ♦  Weapon Proficiency  ♦  Weapon Specialization  ♦  Wings

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