Jolting Portent


The creature you designate is surrounded by a glowing red aura of vengeful fate. Once per round when the target makes an attack or casts a spell, it must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw with a DC = 10 + 1/2 caster level + Wisdom. If the target fails the saving throw, it takes 4d6 + your Wisdom modifier electricity damage. It takes no damage on a successful saving throw. 


target center any pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 75px
One creature within medium range.


1 round/level




 Affected by target's spell resistance





Jolting Portent is an Evocation Spell in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Jolting Portent is a level 7 Spell from the Evocation school. Other school categories include Abjuration SpellsConjuration SpellsIllusion SpellsDivination SpellsEnchantment SpellsEvocation SpellsTransmutation Spells and Necromancy Spells. Spells in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous can be used for both dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments or to buff Characters.


Jolting Portent Information

Spell Properties:

  • Target:
    target center any pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 75px
    One creature within medium range.
  • Duration: 1 round/level
  • Saving Throw: --
  • Spell Resistance: Affected by target's spell resistance
  • Spell Descriptors: --
  • Casting Time: --
  • Spell Effect:

    The creature you designate is surrounded by a glowing red aura of vengeful fate. Once per round when the target makes an attack or casts a spell, it must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw with a DC = 10 + 1/2 caster level + Wisdom. If the target fails the saving throw, it takes 4d6 + your Wisdom modifier electricity damage. It takes no damage on a successful saving throw. 


How to Acquire Jolting Portent

Light can be obtained by the following classes:

Jolting Portent can be cast by using the following Items:

  • Item ??
  • Weapon ??
  • Armor ??


Jolting Portent Tips & Notes

  • Notes & Tips go here...


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous All Evocation Spells
Abyssal Chains  ♦  Abyssal Storm  ♦  Arbitrament  ♦  Archon's Aura  ♦  Arrow of Law  ♦  Battering Blast  ♦  Blade Barrier  ♦  Blade of the Sun  ♦  Blasphemy  ♦  Brilliant Inspiration  ♦  Burning Arc  ♦  Burning Entanglement  ♦  Burning Hands  ♦  Call Lightning (Spell)  ♦  Call Lightning Storm  ♦  Caustic Eruption  ♦  Chain Lightning  ♦  Chaos Hammer  ♦  Cleanse  ♦  Cold Ice Strike  ♦  Cone of Cold  ♦  Controlled Fireball  ♦  Dictum  ♦  Divine Favor  ♦  Divine Power  ♦  Dragon's Breath  ♦  Ear-Piercing Scream  ♦  Elemental Assessor  ♦  Faerie Fire  ♦  Fire Snake  ♦  Fire Storm  ♦  Fireball  ♦  Flame Strike  ♦  Flames of the Abyss  ♦  Flare  ♦  Flare Burst  ♦  Force Punch  ♦  Freezing Nothingness  ♦  Frigid Touch  ♦  Glitterdust  ♦  Hellfire Ray  ♦  Holy Smite  ♦  Holy Sword  ♦  Holy Whisper  ♦  Holy Word  ♦  Ice Storm  ♦  Icy Prison  ♦  Icy Prison, Mass  ♦  Ki Shout  ♦  Light  ♦  Lightning Bolt  ♦  Magic Missile  ♦  Molten Orb  ♦  Order's Wrath  ♦  Poison Breath  ♦  Polar Ray  ♦  Prismatic Spray  ♦  Profane Nimbus  ♦  Rainbow Arrows  ♦  Ray of Frost  ♦  Resounding Blow  ♦  Sacred Nimbus  ♦  Scorching Ray  ♦  Searing Light  ♦  Shield of Dawn  ♦  Shocking Grasp  ♦  Shout  ♦  Shout, Greater  ♦  Sirocco  ♦  Sound Burst  ♦  Storm Bolts  ♦  Stormbolts  ♦  Sudden Squall  ♦  Sunbeam (Spell)  ♦  Sunburst  ♦  Supernova  ♦  Thundering Drums  ♦  Unholy Blight  ♦  Voice of Renewal  ♦  Volcanic Storm  ♦  Wall of Light  ♦  Winds of Vengeance  ♦  Word of Chaos


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