Lawful Neutral


Loyal to Traditions, Honor, Laws & Rules, and formalities, not bound to good and evil.

Lawful Neutral is an Alignment in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Alignments affects your character's pool of choices, and the choices you make, also affect your Alignment. A character can be Lawful, Neutral or Chaotic in their alignment, this expresses how deep or impulsive is their moral which can be Evil, Neutral or Evil.


Lawful Neutral Description

  • A lawful neutral character may strongly follow traditions, honor, laws & rules, but for the purpose of their own convinience without regard if it's good or evil.
  • Lawful neutral characters tend to exchange favours, they might be able to greatly help, but they would do it in return of a big favour.


Lawful Neutral Information

The following Deities are aligned with Lawful Neutral characters:

The following Prestige Classes require to be aligned as Neutral Good:


Lawful Neutral Tips & Notes

  • Notes & Tips go here


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