
Shaman Spirit

A shaman who selects the life spirit appears more vibrant than most mortals. Her skin seems to glow, and her teeth are a pearly white. When she calls upon one of this spirit's abilities, her eyes and hair shimmer in the light.

Life is a Shaman Spirit in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Shaman Spirits grant Additional Hexes and Bonus Spells to your Shaman Build depending on the Shaman Spirit you choose, here you can find information of the beneficts of choosing the Life Spirit..


Life Information

A shaman who selects the life spirit appears more vibrant than most mortals. Her skin seems to glow, and her teeth are a pearly white. When she calls upon one of this spirit's abilities, her eyes and hair shimmer in the light.


Life Bonus Spells

The Life Spirit grants the following Bonus Spells to corresponding levels:

  1. Unbreakable Heart
  2. Restoration, Lesser
  3. Neutralize Poison
  4. Restoration
  5. Breath of Life
  6. Heal
  7. Restoration, Greater
  8. Holy Aura
  9. Heal, Mass


Life Additional Hexes

The Life Spirit grants no Additional Hexes.


Life Abilities

The Life Spirit grants the following abilities:


Life Tips & Notes

  • Notes & Tips go here..



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