Longbow is a weapon type in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, it belongs to Martial Proficiency Group. To be able to equip and use Martial Weapons, you'll need to acquire the Martial Weapon Proficiency Feat. You can use certain Martial Weapons without having the Martial Weapon Proficiency Feat by unlocking the Weapon Proficiency Feat and selecting the required Weapon Type. Martial Weapons such as the Longbows are automatically proficient with Classes such as the Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, and Ranger.

This page covers a list of all the Longbows featured in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous.


All Longbows in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous



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Hunter's Blessing

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +5 This +5 holy composite longbow grants its wielder a +4 sacred bonus to Dexterity.

Shady Longbow

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +3 This +3 composite longbow grants its wielder a +5 luck bonus to Stealth skill checks, and the ability to cast invisibility spell twice per day as a 5th level wizard.


Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +2 This +2 composite longbow grants its wielder a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity, and the ability to summon a medium air elemental once per day as a 7th level wizard.

Savage Bow

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +1 This +1 composite longbow grants its wielder the ability to cast aspect of the falcon spell three times per day as a 1st level druid, for 1 minute each time. When the wielder assumes the aspect of the falcon, they gain a +3 competence bonus on attack rolls with ranged weapons, and the critical multiplier for their bows and crossbows becomes 19-20/x3. This effect does not stack, with any other effect that improves the critical range of a weapon.

Elemental Punisher

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +5 This +5 speed longbow deals additional 1d6 electricity damage, 1d6 fire damage, 1d6 acid damage, and 1d6 sonic damage. It has 19-20 critical range. Whenever it lands a hit, it has a chance to blind the target for 1d3 rounds (DC 24).

Devourer of Metal

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +1 This +1 longbow deals 2d6 damage, and additional 2d6 acid damage, yet its clumsiness and weight impose a -2 penalty on the wielder's attack rolls.

Legacy of Accursed Tree

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +1 This weapon is a +1 composite longbow.

Longbow of Erastil

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) -- This longbow deals additional 1d4 damage to animals and undead creatures.

Lucky Longbow

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +1 This weapon is a +1 composite longbow.

Nobleman's Amusement

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +1 This +1 longbow grants its wielder the effect of Point-Blank Shot and Precise Shot feats.

Longbow of Cold Moon

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +3 This +3 composite longbow deals 3d6 cold damage instead of its usual damage. On a critical hit the target must make a DC 18 fortitude saving throw or become paralyzed for 1 round. If the save is successful, the target is staggered for 1 round instead. This effect doesn't work against creatures who are immune to cold damage.


Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +5 This +5 holy composite longbow grants its wielder blindsense.

Mirror Bow

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +5 Whenever the wielder of this +5 composite longbow uses it to attack an enemy, Mirror Bow also shoots a reflection arrow at the same target. Reflection arrow is a ranged attack that deals 1d4 + half the wielder's Strength bonus piercing damage.

Gamekeeper of the First World

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +5 This +5 composite longbow has 19-20 critical range, whenever it lands a hit, the target becomes illuminated for 3 rounds, preventing it from using Invisibility. Inflicting a -50 

Entrapping Longbow

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +1 Whenever this +1 composite longbow confirms a critical hit, all enemies in a 10 feet area must pass a reflex saving throw (DC 13) or become entangled for 1 round.

Wicked Longbow

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +2 Whenever this +2 composite longbow confirms a critical hit on an enemy, the target must pass a Will saving throw (DC 20) or suffer a curse. This cursed creature suffers -1 penalty to Will, -2 to Fortitude and -3 to Reflex saving throws. It can be removed with the remove curse spell.

Delamere's Cursed Bow

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +3 This +3 composite longbow is cursed.

Delamere's Bow

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +2 Whenever this +2 holy composite longbow lands a hit, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 22) or become entangled for 1 round.


Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +4 Whenever the wielder of this +4 axiomatic composite longbow lands the first hit in around against an enemy more than 30 feet awat, the enemy suffers a -2 penalty to AC for 2 rounds.

Longbow of Leeching Strike

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +5 Whenever the wielder of this +5 bleed longbow confirms a critical hit, the enemy suffers 1d6 direct damage for every 5 feet that enemy travels for 2 rounds, involuntary movement included.

Killing Pace

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +5 This +5 speed composite longbow allows its wielder to add half his ranks in Mobility as a competence bonus to damage on a successful hit.

Radiant Composite Longbow +3

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +3 This is a +3 radiant composite longbow. Three times per day as a standard action, the wielder can use the Starbow to fire a 30 feet long cone of arrow-shaped bolts of radiance. All creatures in the area of effect take 5d8 points of damage unless they are undead or creatures harmed by sunlight, in which case the damage increases to 10d8. This damage bypasses damage reduction and energy resistance. A successful DC 22 Reflex save halves the damage. A creature that takes damage from this attack is shrouded with a soft radiance (as faerie fire) for 1 minute.

Finnean the Talking Weapon

Martial 20(x3) 3 lbs 50 ft Ranged 1d8 (Piercing) +3 This is a +3 ghost touch heartseaker weapon. This weapon can tear the soul of a living enemy: whenever it lands a hit, it deals additional 1d6 force damage.


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