Mythic Hero |
Mythic Hero is a class in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous.
"Mythic heroes are set apart from their contemporaries, capable of amazing feats of courage in the face of overwhelming odds. In spite of this, they're still similar in many ways to other adventurers. They have hit points, an armor class, and saving throws — in fact, most of their statistics are comparable to non-mythic characters of an equal level. Where mythic characters differ is in the special mythic abilities. These abilities enhance mythic characters both in and out of battle, allowing them to take part in extraordinary, larger-than-life adventures."
Mythic Hero Information
- Prerequisites:
- Ist Level - quest The Burning City
- 2nd Level - quest A Blow from the Sky
- 3rd Level - quest Banner over the Citadel
There are 9 mythic paths in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Each path represents a journey into legend, and each tier in that path grants abilities and features related to that pursuit.
In order to unlock these mythic paths, you need to have contact with their energies first, then you can pick them after you liberate the Gray Garrison. Their energies can be found in the following Location:
- Angel: In the underground ruins, where you first met Lann and Wenduag. Pick up the angel's sword to acquire it.
- Demon: In Shield Maze, near the exit where the cultists and kidnapped mongrels are.
- Devil: Only avalaible at Mythic Rank 8.
- Gold Dragon: Only avalaible at Mythic Rank 8.
- Azata: Save all the missing Desnan adepts in quest Starward Gaze, then sing with them.
- Aeon: Market Square, you need to observe the place the dragon get slain.
- Trickster: Blackwing Library, you need to pretend to be the superior of the cultists and make them fight each other.
- Lich: In Act 2 at the Lost Chapel, you need to take the Wand of Zacharius with you, which will open a secret part of the building.
- Swarm-That-Walks: Only avalaible at Mythic Rank 8.
- Legend: no special requirements.
Note: The mythic levels do not mix with your ordinary character levels. You can still reach level 20 of your ordinary class while having mythic levels. Mythic levels only upgrade in certain main quests.
Note: Only the main character can choose the mythic path.
Your mythic path will also have a great influence on Crusade Army, depending on your actions and alignment, some allies might join or leave the Crusade, triggering various outcomes later in the game. Relationships with your companions, who are helping you by being your councilors in the Crusade, will be affected as well.
Mythic Hero Progression
Level |
Abilities |
1 | First Ascension, Mythic Ability |
2 | Mythic Feat, Hard to Kill |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 |
First Ascension
At first rank of the characters mythic progression, they need to select their first ascension ability. This ability is usually closely tied to the source of the characters mythic powers. It does not determine the character's choice of an actual mythic path later, but the source of the powers and the mythic path are closely linked. The character must be aware of their connection to the source to select the ability linked to it.
Mythic Ability
At 1st tier and every odd mythic rank thereafter, select one new mythic ability.
Mythic Feat
Mythic characters gain mythic feats every even mythic rank. These feats can be selected only as part of mythic advancement, not as part of a character's normal advancement or in place of any other bonus feat. Most mythic feats require a non-mythic feat as a prerequisite. These mythic feats enhance the benefits of their prerequisite feats, making them truly awe-inspiring. If a character doesn't possess any of the necessary prerequisite feats when she gains a mythic feat, they can wait to select a mythic feat until the next time she gains a mythic rank or level.
Hard to Kill
You don't die until your total number of negative hit points becomes equal to or greater than double your Constitution score.
Mythic Ascension
Name | Description |
Bit of Fun |
Mythic characters that draw their power from Chaos gain an ability to unleash a create 3 illusionary copies of themselves. Those copies last for 1 minute per mythic rank and act like mirror image spell, protecting from the character from attacks. Those characters can use this ability 3 times per day. On the 2nd mythic rank, those characters become more creative, gaining a +3 circumstance bonus to all skill checks. |
Close to the Abyss |
Mythic characters that draw their power from the Abyss grow a pair of horns, gaining a gore attack. This attack is made with a -5 penalty and deals 1d8 plus 1-1/2 times their strength modifier points of piercing damage. It counts as cold iron and magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. On the 2nd mythic rank, those characters become closer to demons, gaining resist electricity 20 and an immunity to poisons. |
Close to the Heavens |
Mythic characters that draw their power from Good gain an ability to unleash a ray of heavenly light, targeting an ally or a foe within 50 feet as a ranged touch attack. This ray heals allies for 4d6 plus 2d6 per mythic rank points of damage or deals the same amount of damage to enemies. Those characters can use this ability 3 times per day plus one extra time for each mythic rank beyond the first. On the 2nd mythic rank, those characters become closer to angels, gaining resist add 20, resist cold 20, and an immunity to pertification. |
Dance Macabre |
Mythic characters that draw their power from death can channel negative energy to deal damage to living creatures or to heal undead creatures. Channeling energy causes a burst that either heals all undead creatures or damages all living creatures in a 30-foot radius centered on the mythic character. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 2d6 plus 1d6 per mythic rank. Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + mythic rank + the character's Charisma, Wisdom or Intelligence modifier (whichever is higher). Creatures healed by channel energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total: all excess healing is lost. A character may channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + mythic rank. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. On the 2nd mythic rank, those characters gain an even greater mastery of negative energy. Their insight into the flows of negative energy also gives them an advantage in combat against enemies that have an affinity to negative energy, such as Undead or Nabasu demons. These characters become immune to negative |
Force Reality |
Mythic characters that draw their power from Law gain an ability to force reality upon the enemies around. Every enemy in 30ft radius around the Mythic character is a target of Greater Dispell effect, affecting only abilities of Illusion school. On the 2nd mythic rank, the Mythic character gains the ability to fix hindering abnormalities in his allies. One ally in close range is target to Greater Dispell affecting all negative effects. The caster level for these abilities is equal to your character level plus mythic level. You can use them 3 plus Mythic level times per day. |
Instrument of Freedom |
Mythic characters that draw their power from Freedom gain an ability to unleash a bolt of energy from Elysium itself, targeting an ally or a foe within 50 feet as a ranged touch attack. This bolt deals 4d6 plus 2d6 per mythic rank points of damage to enemies. If used on allies, the bolt instead charges their weapon for 2 + mythic rank rounds. Weapons charged with it deal an additional 2d6 points of holy damage on hit and count as good for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction. Those characters can use this ability 3 times per day plus one extra time for each mythic rank beyond the first. On the 2nd mythic rank, those characters become closer to the azatas that live in Elysium, gaining resist electricity 20 and +4 bonus to their saving throws against mind-affecting effects. |
Mythic Abilities in Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous are special abilities granted to Mythic Hero/Mythic Companions. In order to unlock these abilities, you need to have contact with each path's energy first, then progress the main quest.
Mythic Abilities
Quick Search of All Mythic Abilities
Name |
Description |
Path |
Bit of Fun | Mythic characters that draw their power from Chaos gain an ability to unleash a create 3 illusionary copies of themselves. Those copies last for 1 minute per mythic rank and act like mirror image spell, protecting the character from attacks. Those characters can use this ability 3 times per day. On the 2nd mythic rank, those characters become more creative, gaining a +3 circumstance bonus to all skill checks. | Trickster |
Close to the Abyss | Mythic characters that draw their power from the Abyss grow a pair of horns, gaining a gore attack. This attack is made with a -5 penalty and deals 1d8 plus 1-1/2 times their strength modifier points of piercing damage. It counts as cold iron and magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. On the 2nd mythic rank, those characters become closer to demons, gaining resist electricity 20 and an immunity to poisons. | Demon |
Close to the Heavens | Mythic characters that draw their power from Good gain an ability to unleash a ray of heavenly light, targeting an ally or a foe within 50 feet as a ranged touch attack. This ray heals allies for 4d6 plus 2d6 per mythic rank points of damage or deals the same amount of damage to enemies. Those characters can use this ability 3 times per day plus one extra time for each mythic rank beyond the first. On the 2nd mythic rank, those characters become closer to angels, gaining resist acid 20, resist cold 20, and an immunity to petrification. | Angel |
Dance Macabre | Mythic characters that draw their power from death can channel negative energy to deal damage to living creatures or to heal undead creatures. Channeling energy causes a burst that either heals all undead creatures or damages all living creatures in a 30-foot radius centered on the mythic character. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 2d6 plus 1d6 per mythic rank. Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + mythic rank + the character's Charisma, Wisdom or Intelligence modifier (whichever is higher). Creatures healed by channel energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total: all excess healing is lost. A character may channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + mythic rank. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. On the 2nd mythic rank, those characters gain an even greater mastery of negative energy. Their insight into the flows of negative energy also gives them an advantage in combat against enemies that have an affinity to negative energy, such as the undead or the Nabasu demons. These characters become immune to negative levels and gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against death effects. They gain a +2 bonus on AC, saving throws, weapon attack and damage rolls against creatures with negative energy affinity. The DCs of their class abilities against these opponents increase by 2. |
Lich |
Force Reality | Mythic characters that draw their power from Law gain an ability to force reality upon the enemies around. Every enemy in 30ft radius around the mythic character is a target of Greater Dispel effect, affecting only abilities of Illusion school. On the 2nd mythic rank, the mythic character gains the ability to fix hindering abnormalities in his allies. One ally in close range is target to Greater Dispel affecting all negative effects. The caster level for these abilities is equal to your character level plus mythic rank. You can use them 3 plus mythic rank times per day. | Aeon |
Instrument of Freedom | Mythic characters that draw their power from Freedom gain an ability to unleash a bolt of energy from Elysium itself, targeting an ally or a foe within 50 feet as a ranged touch attack. This bolt deals 4d6 plus 2d6 per mythic rank points of damage to enemies. If used on allies, the bolt instead charges their weapon for 2 + mythic rank rounds. Weapons charged with it deal an additional 2d6 points of holy damage on hit and count as good for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction. Those characters can use this ability 3 times per day plus one extra time for each mythic rank beyond the first. On the 2nd mythic rank, those characters become closer to the azatas that live in Elysium, gaining resist electricity 20 and +4 bonus to their saving throws against mind-affecting effects. | Azata |
Abundant Casting | You have learned of a way to increase the number of spells you can cast per day. Benefit: You can cast four more spells per day of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd levels each. |
Any |
Always a Chance | Your attacks are now less affected by luck. Benefit: You don't automatically miss when you roll a 1 on an attack roll. |
Any |
Archmage Armor | You are a master of the mage armor spell. Benefit: Whenever you cast mage armor on yourself, it gives an additional armor bonus equal to your mythic rank. |
Any |
Ascendant Element | You mastered a certain element to spectacular level. Benefit: Choose one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic, or negative). The damage of that energy type you deal can no longer be prevented or reduced by resistances or immunities. This bonus works on any damage you deal with the chosen energy type. |
Any |
Ascendant Summons | The creatures you summon gain a piece of your mythic power. Benefit: Creatures summoned by you gain a bonus to its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma equal to half your mythic rank plus 1. Their attacks now ignore damage reduction except N/-. |
Any |
Best Jokes | You are a master of the hideous laughter spell Benefit: When a creature fails a saving throw against your hideous laughter spell, another random enemy within 30 feet of the target is affected by the same spell. This chain continues as long as targets continue to fail their saving throws. |
Any |
Battle Meditation | You are able to channel your mythic powers into invigorating and coordinating your allies. Benefit: As a standard action, you can enter into a state of Battle Meditation. While in this state, you are unable to move, lose your Dexterity Bonus to AC, and count as being staggered. All allies in 30-feet radius gain a morale bonus to attack and damage rolls and saving throws against fear effects equal to one plus one per three mythic ranks. |
Any |
Boundless Healing | Your healing is no longer affected by common limitations. Benefit: Whenever you cast a cure wounds spell or another healing spell, it becomes reach as though using the Reach Spell feat. Also, the amount of hit points it now restores depends entirely on your caster level and disregards any limits in the original spell. Reach Spell: You can alter a spell with a range of touch, close, or medium to increase its range by one range category, using the following order: touch, close, medium, and long. |
Any |
Brutality Incarnate | The wounds you inflict with your natural attacks are anything but natural. Benefit: Your natural attacks now ignore all damage reduction except N/-. |
Any |
Cleaving Shot | Each time you deal critical damage with your ranged weapon attack, or reduce the target to zero hit points, you deal your weapon damage to all other enemies in 10ft radius. | Any |
Defensive Study | Your found a way to use your perception and knowledge to better defend yourself. Benefit: Your Study Target ability gives you a bonus to AC against the target of your Study Target ability. |
Any |
Dimensional Retribution | You leave a mystical link with enemy spellcasters that lets you instantly move to them. Benefit: Every time you are targeted by an enemy spell, you gain the ability to teleport to the spellcaster as a move action for the next two rounds. |
Any |
Distracting Shots | Your ranged weapon attacks are dangerous enough for the enemy to forget about melee threats. Benefit: If you hit an enemy with a ranged weapon attack, they receive a penalty on AC against melee attacks equal to half your mythic rank for 1 round. |
Any |
Domain Zealots | You moved closer to your deity and to the power it has over its divine domains.\nBenefit: You can use the abilities of your domains as a swift action. | Any |
Elemental Barrage | You mastered the art of raining elemental spells on your foes, and found a way to empower them by combining different elements. Benefit: Every time you deal energy damage to a creature, you apply an elemental mark to it. If during the next three rounds you deal energy damage to a marked target with a different type of energy, the target is dealt additional Divine damage. The damage is 1d6 per mythic rank of your character. |
Any |
Emergency Help | In a dire situation, you can instantly make your way to a companion in danger and get them back into combat.
Any |
Enduring Spells | You have learned of a way to prolong the effects of your beneficial spells. Benefit: Effects of your spells on your allies that should last longer than an hour but shorter than 24 hours now last 24 hours. |
Any |
Enforced Vigor | Some people motivate their companions by their mere presence, while you learnt that pain is a much more potent motivator. Benefit: Every time you damage an ally, they gain a +2 mythic bonus on attack and damage rolls, and a +1 mythic bonus on all saving throws. The bonuses last for a number rounds equal to half your mythic rank. |
Any |
Ever Ready | You are always ready to unleash some extra attacks. Benefit: Whenever you make an attack of opportunity, you gain a bonus on the attack roll and damage roll equal to your mythic rank. The number of attacks of opportunity you can make each round is increased by two. |
Any |
Expose Vulnerability | Your ranged weapon attacks expose the enemy's vulnerable points. Benefit: Every third hit with a ranged weapon against the same enemy deals additional 1d6 per two mythic ranks divine damage. |
Any |
Inspirational Leader | You are a beacon of hope for your comrades, and they perform better near you. Benefit: Your allies with 50 feet of you gain a bonus equal to half your mythic rank plus 1 to their Initiative, their saving throws against mind-affecting effects, and their concentration checks. |
Any |
Last Stand | Your mission is too important to fall in battle: and your mythic powers let you endure unbelievable things. Benefit: Once per day, when your HP drop low, you become unkillable. For two rounds, you become immune to damage that would make you unconscious. |
Any |
Leading Strike | Your strikes make cracks in the enemy existence, leaving weak points for your allies to strike. Benefit: Every time you hit a target in melee combat, you leave a mark on it. Any ally attacking the marked target deals additional Divine damage equal to 1d6 per mythic rank to the target, consuming the mark. |
Any |
Limitless Rage | Your rage knows neither limits nor bounds. Benefit: You no longer have a limited amount of Rage rounds per day. Instead, whenever you enter rage, you get a temporary hit point for every 2 rounds of rage you would be limited to without this ability. |
Any |
Magic Nullification | Your mythic powers can negate any magic around you. Benefit: Activating this ability grants you magic immunity and dispels any spell effects on you. |
Any |
Master Shapeshifter | You learned to use any shapes to the utmost. Benefit: Whenever you are become the target of a polymorph effect, all the physical ability scores adjustments are modified by +4. Additionally, if you have the Wild Shape ability, you can use it any number of times per day. |
Any |
Mythic Charge | Your charge carries the weight of your mythic powers. Benefit: Your charge attacks deal additional Divine damage equal to 1d6 per mythic rank. |
Any |
Powerful Shadows | You learned to utilise the real power of the Shadows. Benefit: Your Shadow spells are 20% more real. |
Any |
Ranging Shot | Every time you miss an enemy with a ranged weapon attack, your aim improves, giving you a stacking +1 bonus on attacks against the same enemy up to the maximum of your mythic rank. Every successful hit lessens this bonus by 1. | Any |
Rupture Restraints | You can create a surge of mythic powers that frees you from all magical restraints. Benefit: Three times per day you can use this ability as a free action to automatically dispel any effects that make you Frightened, Dazed, Sickened, Shaken, Staggered, Nauseated, Stunned, Paralyzed or Confused. |
Any |
The bigger they are | The bigger they are, the easier they are to hit for your ranged weapon attacks. Benefit: You gain a bonus on your attack rolls with ranged weapons, equal to the penalty to AC the target receives from their size (if any). |
Any |
Thundering Blows | The sound of your blows is powerful enough to damage even without piercing through enemy defenses. Benefit: Once per round, when your melee attack misses the target, you deal (2d6 plus 1d6 per mythic rank) sonic damage to all enemies in 10-feet radius. |
Any |
Unrelenting Assault | As long as you keep fighting, the power of your melee attacks keep growing. Benefit: Every turn, as long as you make one melee attack, you gain a stacking +2 bonus to damage rolls with melee weapons, up to a maximum of +10, that lasts until the end of combat. |
Any |
Unstoppable | Your inner fortitude is so strong that it lets you overcome most debilitating conditions. Benefit: At any time you would become paralyzed, you become staggered instead. If you would become nauseated, you become sickened, and you become shaken instead of frightened. |
Any |
Abundant Arcane Pool | You've learned a way to increase your Arcane Pool. Benefit: Your Arcane Pool increases by a number of points equal to your mythic rank. |
Any |
Abundant Bane | You've learned a way to increase the number of rounds per day you can use your Bane ability. Benefit: The number of rounds per day you can use your Bane ability increases by a number of rounds equal to your mythic rank. |
Any |
Abundant Ki | You've learned a way to increase your ki pool. Benefit: Your ki pool increases by a number of points equal to your mythic rank. |
Any |
Abundant Smite | You've learned a way to increase the number of uses of Smite Evil ability. Benefit: You can use Smite Evil a number of additional times per day equal to half your mythic rank. |
Any |
Abundant Smite Chaos | You've learned a way to increase the number of uses of your Smite Chaos ability. Benefit: You can use Smite Chaos a number of additional times per day equal to half your mythic rank. |
Any |
Any Means Necessary | A Hell-knight's attacks are treated as good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. |
Any |
Beneficial Curse | You have found out that curses can be a blessing, and now you know how to use them. Benefit: You gain an additional Oracle Curse, but it gives you no penalties. |
Any |
Bloodline Ascendance | You are a paragon of your sorcerous bloodline. Benefit: You immediately gain an ability from the 20th level of your bloodline. |
Any |
Defensive Study | You found a way to use your perception and knowledge to better defend yourself. Benefit: Your Study Target ability gives you a bonus to AC against the target of your Study Target ability. |
Any |
Everlasting Judgement | You use your mythic powers to power your Judgements. Benefit: You can now use Judgements any number of times per day. |
Any |
Favorite Metamagic | You can now use your mythic powers to fuel your metamagic abilities. Benefit: Select one kind of metamagic. The spell level cost for its use decreases by one (to a minimum of 0). |
Any |
Free from evil | A Hellknight's attacks are treated as being good for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. | Any |
Full Reservoire | You learned a way to fill your arcane reservoire to the maximum. Benefit: You no longer gain only 3 + 1/2 arcanist level arcane points in the arcane reservoire after a rest. Instead, you gain 3 + arcanist level points. |
Any |
Greater Abundant Casting | You have mastered a way to increase the number of spells you can cast per day. Benefit: You can cast four more spells per day of 7th, 8th, and 9th levels each. |
Any |
Greater Enduring Spells | You have mastered a way to prolong your beneficial spells. Benefit: Effects of your spells on your allies that should last longer than 5 minutes but shorter than 24 hours now last 24 hours. |
Any |
Impossible Domain | You feel a closer connection to your deity. Benefit: You gain one more domain, ignoring all domain prerequisites. |
Any |
Improved Abundant Casting | You have studied a way to increase the number of spells you can cast per day. Benefit: You can cast four more spells per day of 4th, 5th, and 6th levels each. |
Any |
Kinetic Overcharge | You use your mythic powers to fuel kineticist abilities. Benefit: Gather power ability now reduces the burn cost of the kineticist blasts by one additional burn point. |
Any |
Mythical Beast | Your animal companion is just as mythic as you. Benefit: Your animal companion gains a bonus to its Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution equal to half your mythic rank plus 1. Its attacks now ignore damage reduction except N/-. |
Any |
Over-Infused Blasts | You can use your mythic powers to change your kinetic blasts ever further. Benefit: You can simultaneously apply two substance infusions to your kinetic blasts. |
Any |
Second Bloodline | You found a way to infuse your blood with even more power. Benefit: You select a second bloodline, getting all its benefits. |
Any |
Second Bloodrager Bloodline | You can choose Second Bloodline. | Any |
Second Mystery | You opened your mind and soul to learn the secrets of a second mystery. Benefit: You gain a second Oracle Mystery. |
Any |
Second Spirit | Your growing powers let you speak to one more spirit. Benefit: You gain one more Shaman Spirit. |
Any |
Throw Elixir | You have mastered the art of applying elixirs at a distance. Benefit: You can now apply your elixirs from a distance of 30 feet. |
Any |
Witch Wandering Hex | You can make your patron give you additional powers. Benefit: This ability lets you select any Witch Hex, and grants you the ability to use the selected Hex. You lose the ability to use the Hex after choosing another Hex with this ability. |
Any |
Dragon Feat | You can select any feat, ignoring its prerequisites. |
Gold Dragon |
Gold Dragon Form | You can assume the form of a Gold Dragon. You gain the following abilities: a +10 size bonus to Strength, a +8 size bonus to Constitution, a +8 form natural armor bonus. Blindsense 60 feet. You also gain one bite (2d8), 2 claws (2d6), two wing attacks (1d8), and 1 tail slap attack (2d6). |
Gold Dragon |
Gold Dragon Breath | You gain the ability to breath holy energy, attacking all enemies in a 50 feet cone, dealing (character level plus half mythic rank)d8 holy damage. A successful Reflex saving throw (DC=10 + your character level + half your mythic rank) halves the damage. Any enemy hit by the breath attack also gains a -1 penalty on all d20 rolls, while all enemies who failed the Reflex saving throw gain -2 penalty. You can use your breath attack once every 1d4 rounds. |
Gold Dragon |
Gold Dragon Immunity | The Gold Dragon gains immunity to poison, diseases, fear, confusion, paralysis and sleep. He also gains resistance to all energies equal to his character level plus half his mythic rank. If any of your saving throws bonuses before modifiers is less than (5+your mythic rank), you gain a bonus up to that number. If any of your attributes before modifiers is less than 14, you gain a bonus up to that number. All your hit dice are now d12. Any spells dealing damage now change their dice to d6, if it was not d6 or greater. If it was d6 or greater, the spell instead plus one bonus per die. All your weapons count as +5 weapon. |
Gold Dragon |
Gold Dragon Feature | The Gold Dragon gains immunity to mind-affecting effects and spell resistance equal to 15 plus your character level and half your mythic rank. If your base attack bonus is less than 15 plus mythic rank, you gain a bonus up to that number. All skills become class skills for you. If you have less ranks in a skill than your mythic rank, you gain a bonus up to that number. If any of your attributes before modifiers is less than 18, you gain a bonus up to that number. Any spells dealing damage now change their dice to d8, if it was not d8 or greater. If it was d8 or greater. the spell instead plus one bonus to damage per die. |
Gold Dragon |
Perfect Soul | The Gold Dragon gains immunity to cold, fire electricity and acid, energy drain and negative energy. All your damage is now holy damage. Any spells dealing damage now change their dice to d10. If it was not d10 or greater. If it was d10 or greater, the spell instead plus one bonus to damage per die. |
Gold Dragon |
Hell's Dominance | You gain the ability to use dominate monster as spell-like ability at will. Additionally, you gain fire resistance 20 and a +4 bonus on saving throws against poison. | Devil |
Hell's Decree | As you become a Devil, you gain the ability to issue Hell's Decrees a number of times per day equal to his mythic rank. If a saving throw is involved, its DC is 10+ double the devil's mythic rank. Decree of Hunt: You grant one ally the ability to mark an enemy as the target for the hunt. You lose control of this ally immediately, and they try to attack the prey, gaining a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to your mythic rank. This effect lasts until the end of combat, or until the target is dead. Decree of Vengeance: One ally goes into battle madness. Until the end of combat, the ally attacks enemies indiscriminately, but gains a number of temporary hit points equal to ten times your mythic rank. Additionally, each time this ally kills a target, they gain DR 5/evil, +2 bonus to CMD and saving throws against movement impairing, paralyzing and stunning effects until the end of combat. This bonus stacks up to 5 times. Decree of Hell's Fires: All enemies in a 50 feet radius are dealt 2d10 damage per your mythic rank (half fire, half unholy). If after this damage their HP is lower than ten times your mythic rank, they must make a Fortitude saving throw. If they fail that saving throw, they die. Decree of School Magic: One ally is ordered to only use one school of magic, but the potency of their spells increases considerably. Caster level and DC of saving throws against this ally's spells is increased by half your mythic rank. |
Devil |
Hell's Seal | The Devil gains the ability to place Hell's Seals on allies. They activate when certain conditions are met. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your mythic rank, but only one seal can be placed on a single ally at one time. |
Devil |
Hell's Vengeance | You gan the ability to use hellfire ray and power word stun as spell-like abilities at will. Additionally, you gain immunity to fire, cold and acid resistance 10, and all your weapons count as being Lawful and Evil. | Devil |
Hell's Authority | You gain the ability to use the authority of Hell to shape mythic powers into other forms. Three times per day, you can gain the ability to use Angel's Swod ability with one improvement or Demonic rage with one aspect for the next ten minutes. | Devil |
Hell's Rule | You gain the ability to use overwhelming presence and power word kill as spell-like abilities at will. | Devil |
Legend | The path to becoming a legend is a long and difficult one, but after you become one - you will be the pinnacle of what a mortal can become. All your ability scores will be increased by 4. Your Level cap will become 40 (you still can only get 20 levels in one character class), and the amount of XP needed to level up will be drastically decreased. | Legend |
Legend's Corruption Resistance | The legend's powers are beyond the abyssal corruption's reach. The Legend and all companions can rest up to 5 times after the legend had cleared all the corruption from themself at safe place. | Legend |
Swarm Infest | You send a part of your swarm to infest an enemy. It makes the target blind and deals 8d8 physical damage each round. This damage increases by 2d8 for each point of your swarm size. If the target dies while under this effect. it's automatically devoured. When the ability ends (by activating Swarm Form ability), you are healed for the amount of damage you've dealt to the enemy with Swarm Infest. Additionally, the target must make a Will saving throw (DC = 15 + double your mythic rank) or become panicked. Using this ability cancels Swarm Form. | Swarm-That-Walks |
Swarm Feast | Your swarm flies out of your body and starts attacking all enemies in 50 feet radius. Every round all enemies in the area are dealt (4 plus your swarm size) d6 physical damage. If they die while in the area, they arc automatically devoured. Any ranged or ranged touch attacks against you have a 50% chance to miss. | Swarm-That-Walks |
Swarm Clone | You gain the ability to make your own clones using the swarm. They have all your abilities, but separate inventory. You can simultaneously have one clone per three points of your swarm size. | Swarm-That-Walks |
Devour | You send a part of your swarm to devour a corpse to increase the size of your swarm. The increase depends on the CR of the devoured corpse. When the amount of eaten enemies hits a threshold, you gain permanently increased bonuses from other Swarm-That-Walks abilities. |
Swarm-That-Walks |
Eye of the Swarm | From now on, you are made of the Swarm. You gain damage reduction of a swarm and immunity to attacks of opportunity. You Strength and Dexterity ability scores increase by (4 plus your swarm size). You gain immunity to most effect affecting a normal mortal body, such as poison, disease, paralysis and stun.\nAdditionally, while Swarm Form is active, all your attacks deal additional (4 plus your swarm size) damage and any opponent that attacks you in melee combat is dealt (4 plus your swarm size) d6 of damage. | Swarm-That-Walks |
Host of the Great Swarm | You become a Host of the Great Swarm, which now lives inside your body. This symbiosis gives you Fast Healing and additional hit points depending on the size of the swarm. To increase the size of the swarm you need to devour other living beings. | Swarm-That-Walks |
The Swarm | You become The Swarm. Your Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma ability scores are increased by 4 plus your swarm size, you gain Spell Resistance equal to 25 plus your swarm size, and you gain immunity to most harmful conditions. | Swarm-That-Walks |
Swarm Form | You return all of the swarm into your body. You gain DR 5/- plus your swarm size and a bonus to natural armor equal to (4 plus your swarm size). This ability cancels Infest. | Swarm-That-Walks |
Corruptor | You poisons and diseases ignore immunities. | -- |
Mythic Inspiration | Your music has become even more powerful and inspiring to your allies. Benefit: All bonuses granted by your inspiring abilities are increased by 1 + 1 for every 3 mythic ranks above 1st. For the purposes of this feat, inspiring abilities are the following abilities of bards and skalds: Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence, Archaeologist's Luck, Inspire Ferocity, Inspire Tranquility, Inspired Rage, Insightful Contemplation. |
-- |
Perfect Cavalry | Moving while mounted no longer provokes attacks of opportunity for you or your mount. | -- |
Spellcaster's Onslaught | Whenever you cast a spell, your next single attack roll (and damage roll, if the attack hits) made with a weapon until end of the next round gains a bonus equal to half your mythic rank. | -- |
Explosives Expert | You have mastered the art of explosion. Whenever you use a bomb, you have a 50% chance of immediately recovering the reagents used to create the bomb. The damage your bombs deal increases by one damage die of the same category. | Bomb |
School Tolerance | You no longer suffer the penalties of opposition schools of magic. | Has Opposition School |
Classes |
Alchemist ♦ Aldori Swordlord ♦ Arcane Trickster ♦ Arcanist ♦ Assassin ♦ Barbarian ♦ Bard ♦ Bloodrager ♦ Cavalier ♦ Cleric ♦ Dragon Disciple ♦ Druid ♦ Duelist ♦ Eldritch Knight ♦ Fighter ♦ Hellknight ♦ Hellknight Signifer ♦ Hunter ♦ Inquisitor ♦ Kineticist ♦ Loremaster ♦ Magus ♦ Monk ♦ Mystic Theurge ♦ Oracle ♦ Paladin ♦ Ranger ♦ Rogue ♦ Shaman ♦ Skald ♦ Slayer ♦ Sorcerer ♦ Stalwart Defender ♦ Student of War ♦ Warpriest ♦ Winter Witch ♦ Witch ♦ Wizard |