

Unbound to Alignments and Traditions.

Neutral (or 'True Neutral') is an Alignment in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Alignments affects your character's pool of choices, and the choices you make, also affect your Alignment. A character can be Lawful, Neutral or Chaotic in their alignment, this expresses how deep or impulsive is their moral which can be Evil, Neutral or Evil. Neutral refers to the Alignment that is Neutral in both axes.


Neutral Description

  • A neutral character, (usually called 'True Neutral' or 'Neutral Neutral'), has a great freedom to do whatever and not bound to any alignment, but they might also seem as indifferent beings that may not carry great purposes other than their easy convinience.


Neutral Information

The following Deities are aligned with Neutral characters:


Neutral Tips & Notes

  • Notes & Tips go here


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