Rage Power |
As a barbarian gains levels, she learns to use her rage in new ways. Starting at 2nd level, a barbarian gains a Rage Power. She gains another Rage Power for every two levels of barbarian attained after 2nd level. A barbarian gains the benefits of Rage Powers only while raging, and some of these powers require the barbarian to take an action first. Unless otherwise noted, a barbarian cannot select an individual power more than once. |
Rage Power is one of many Class Features in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Class Features are generally passive benefits that characters gain based on their Class but can also some times be active Skills that you can use in combat. Abilities in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous can be used for both dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments , buff characters or just protect you.
Rage Power Information
Prerequisite for:
Extra Rage Power:
- The barbarian unlocks a new ability to use while raging. She gains one additional Rage Power. She must meet all of the prerequisites for this Rage Power. This feat can be taken multiple times.
As a barbarian gains levels, she learns to use her rage in new ways. Starting at 2nd level, a barbarian gains a Rage Power. She gains another Rage Power for every two levels of barbarian attained after 2nd level. A barbarian gains the benefits of Rage Powers only while raging, and some of these powers require the barbarian to take an action first. Unless otherwise noted, a barbarian cannot select an individual power more than once.
Rage Power Possible Selections
Any barbarian who meets the powers’ prerequisites can select and use Rage Powers. Totem Rage Powers grant powers related to a theme. A barbarian cannot select from more than one group of totem Rage Powers.
Quick Search of Rage Power
Name |
Description |
While raging, the barbarian gains a bite attack. If used as part of a full attack, the bite attack is made at the barbarian's full base attack bonus –5. If the bite hits, it deals 1d4 points of damage (assuming the barbarian is Medium; 1d3 points of damage if Small) plus half the barbarian's Strength modifier. |
While raging, the barbarian gains a +1 natural armor bonus. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the barbarian has attained. Note: Totem Rage Powers grant powers related to a theme. A barbarian cannot select from more than one group of totem Rage Powers; for example, a barbarian who selects a beast totem Rage Power cannot later choose to gain any of the dragon totem Rage Powers (any Rage Power with "dragon totem" in its title). A barbarian must be at least level 6 to learn this power. |
While raging, the barbarian gains the pounce special ability, allowing her to make a full attack at the end of a charge. In addition, the damage from her claws increases to 1d8 (1d6 if Small) and the claws deal ×3 damage on a critical hit. Note: Totem Rage Powers grant powers related to a theme. A barbarian cannot select from more than one group of totem Rage Powers; for example, a barbarian who selects a beast totem Rage Power cannot later choose to gain any of the dragon totem Rage Powers (any Rage Power with "dragon totem" in its title). A barbarian must be at least level 10 to learn this power. |
While raging, the barbarian gains two claw attacks. These attacks are considered primary attacks and are made at the barbarian's full base attack bonus. The claws deal 1d6 points of slashing damage (1d4 if Small) plus the barbarian's Strength modifier. Note: Totem Rage Powers grant powers related to a theme. A barbarian cannot select from more than one group of totem Rage Powers; for example, a barbarian who selects a beast totem Rage Power cannot later choose to gain any of the dragon totem Rage Powers (any Rage Power with "dragon totem" in its title). |
While raging, this effect bestows upon the barbarian a halo of gleaming light that shines as if it were daylight and triggers an invisibility purge effect in the barbarian's square and each adjacent square. The invisibility purge only affects non-good creatures. A barbarian must be at least level 6 to learn this power. |
While raging, the barbarian gains spell resistance equal to 11 + the barbarian's class level against spells with the evil descriptor. She also gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against spells and effects from evil creatures. A barbarian must be at least level 10 to learn this power. |
While raging, whenever barbarian is subject to a spell or a non-spell healing effect that cures hit point damage, she heals 1 additional point of damage per her character level{/g}. This does not affect fast healing or regeneration. |
While the barbarian is raging, her melee attacks impose a temporary negative level on her opponent on a successful critical hit. After 1 hour, these temporary negative levels disappear automatically (without a saving throw). A barbarian must be at least level 6 to learn this power. |
Whenever the barbarian kills a living creature with CR equal to at least half her character level while raging, she heals 5 hit points. If she is already at her maximum number of hit points, she instead gains 5 temporary hit points, which don't stack if she kills multiple creatures. A barbarian must be at least level 10 to learn this power. |
While raging, the barbarian gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against acid damage, death effects, disease, and poison. This bonus increases by 1 for each daemon totem Rage Power the barbarian has, excluding this one. |
The barbarian is immune to the shaken and frightened conditions. A barbarian must be at least 12th level to select this Rage Power. |
While raging, the barbarian sprouts dozens of wicked barbs from her body. Anyone striking the barbarian with a melee weapon, an unarmed strike, or a natural weapon takes 1d6 points of piercing damage. A barbarian must be at least level 6 to learn this power. |
While raging, the barbarian is surrounded by an aura of menace. Good creatures adjacent to the barbarian are shaken and take 2d6 points of slashing damage at the beginning of the barbarian's turn as dozens of small cuts open across their flesh. Neutral creatures that are adjacent to the barbarian are shaken, but do not take any damage. Evil creatures are unaffected. A barbarian must be at least level 10 to learn this power. |
While raging, the barbarian grows a pair of large horns, gaining a gore attack. This attack is a primary attack (unless she is also attacking with weapons, in which case it is a secondary attack) and is made at the barbarian's full base attack bonus (-5 if it is a secondary attack). The gore attack deals 1d8 points of piercing damage (1d6 if Small) plus the barbarian's Strength modifier (1/2 if it is a secondary attack). |
The barbarian can take on a more defensive posture. This grants her a +1 dodge bonus to her Armor Class for the duration of her current rage. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the barbarian has. This is a stance Rage Power. A barbarian can't have more than one stance Rage Power active at a time. If she activates a stance Rage Power while another one is active, the current stance immediately ends. |
While in the guarded stance, the barbarian gains an additional +4 dodge bonus to AC against attack rolls made to confirm critical hits. A barbarian must have the guarded stance Rage Power and be at least 8th level to select this Rage Power. |
While in the guarded stance, the barbarian can apply her dodge bonus to AC as a bonus on Reflex saving throws. A barbarian must have the guarded stance Rage Power and be at least 6th level to select this Rage Power. |
The barbarian's dodge bonus to AC from Guarded Stance is doubled against ranged attacks while Guarded Stance is active. A barbarian must have the Guarded Stance Rage Power and be at least 6th level to select this Rage Power. |
The barbarian's damage reduction increases by 2/—. A barbarian can select this Rage Power up to three times. Its effects stack. A barbarian must be at least 8th level to select this Rage Power. This Rage Power is currently bugged and has no effect. |
The barbarian is immune to the sickened and nauseated conditions. A barbarian must be at least 8th level to select this Rage Power. |
If the barbarian scores a critical threat while in the lethal stance, she applies double the lethal stance's bonus when rolling to confirm the critical. A barbarian must have the lethal stance Rage Power and be at least 4th level to select this Rage Power. |
While in the lethal stance, the barbarian's critical multiplier for damage increases by 1 (a ×2 multiplier becomes ×3, a ×3 multiplier becomes ×4, and a ×4 multiplier becomes ×5). A barbarian must have the lethal stance and deadly accuracy Rage Powers and be at least 16th level to select this Rage Power. |
The barbarian can focus her strikes. She gains a +1 competence bonus on melee attack rolls and thrown weapon attack rolls. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the barbarian has. This is a stance Rage Power. A barbarian can't have more than one stance Rage Power active at a time. If she activates a stance Rage Power while another one is active, the current stance immediately ends. |
While in the powerful stance, every first successful melee attack in a round applies a -1 penalty on attack rolls and Fortitude saving throws for one round. This penalty increases by 1 point and duration increases for 1 round for every 4 levels the barbarian has beyond 8. A barbarian must have the Powerful Stance Rage Power and be at least 8th level to select this Rage Power. |
The barbarian can focus her ferocity. She gains a +1 bonus on melee damage rolls and thrown weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the barbarian has. This is a stance Rage Power. A barbarian can't have more than one stance Rage Power active at a time. If she activates a stance Rage Power while another one is active, the current stance immediately ends. |
While in the powerful stance, the barbarian can make an attack that causes her enemies to bleed profusely. Her melee and thrown weapon attacks deal additional damage equal to her Constitution modifier. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the barbarian has beyond 12. This damage bypasses damage reduction and doesn't multiply on a critical hit. Barbarian must have the powerful stance Rage Power and be at least 12th level to select this Rage Power. |
While in the reckless stance, the barbarian imparts the stance's bonus and penalty to all willing allies within 30 feet of her. A barbarian must have the reckless stance Rage Power to select this Rage Power. |
The barbarian can attack with abandon at the expense of her defense. She gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls, but takes a –1 penalty to AC. This bonus and penalty increase by 1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter. This is a stance Rage Power. A barbarian can't have more than one stance Rage Power active at a time. If she activates a stance Rage Power while another one is active, the current stance immediately ends. |
As a standard action, the barbarian heals 1d8 points of damage + her Constitution modifier. For every 4 levels the barbarian has beyond 4th, the amount healed increases by 1d8 (to a maximum of 5d8 at 20th level). This ability can be used only once per day. The barbarian must be at least 4th level to select this Rage Power. |
The barbarian gains the scent ability while raging and can use this ability to locate unseen foes. The barbarian can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell as if had blindsense. |
The barbarian gains a 10-foot enhancement bonus to her base speed. A barbarian can select this Rage Power up to three times; its effects stack. |
How to Acquire Rage Power
Rage Power can be obtained by the following classes:
Rage Power can be cast by using the following Items:
- Item: ??
- Weapon: ??
- Armor: ??
Rage Power Tips & Notes
- The Mad Dog Barbarian Archetype obtains Rage Power a fewer times than other counterparts. Only at level 4,8,12,16 and 20.
- The Beastkin Berserker Barbarian Archetype doesn't obtain a Rage Power at level 4, 8 and 12.
- The Pack Rager Barbarian Archetype doesn't obtain a Rage Power at level 2, 6, 10, 14 and 18.
- Anonymous
Please add level restrictions, messed with a whole build I was prepping for hours.
- Anonymous
why does Beast totem make mention of a dragon totem, if no such totem exists?
You must be at least 6 level in the class that gave you the Rage to pick the second Totem of one of the series