Ranger Spells in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous covers a list of all Spells available for the Ranger Class. Ranger are deft skirmishers, either in melee or at range, capable of skillfully dancing in and out of battle. Their abilities allow them to deal significant harm to specific types of foes, but their skills are valuable against all manner of enemies. Each Class has its own set of spells with some over-lapping through different classes.

Below you will find information on each Ranger Spell, their effects, and level requirements.



Ranger Spells

Lvl 1
Lvl 2
Lvl 3
Lvl 4


Level 1

acid maw transmutation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minAcid Maw



aspect of the falcon transmutation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minAspect of the Falcon



cure light wounds conjuration icon azata mythic spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65pxCure Light Wounds



delay poison conjuration spell icon pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guideDelay Poison


entangle transmutation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minEntangle



feather step transmutation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minFeather Step



hurricane bow pathfinder wotr wiki guide 64pHurricane Bow


lead blades transmutation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minLead Blades



longstrider transmutation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minLongstrider



magic fang transmutation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minMagic Fang


resist energy spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 64pxResist Energy



summon natures ally i conjuration icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minSummon Nature's Ally I



unbreakableheartUnbreakable Heart






Level 2

animal aspect spell pathfinder wotr wiki guide 64pAnimal Aspect



aspect of the bear transmutation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minAspect of the Bear



barkskin transmuation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minBarkskin



bears endurance icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minBear's Endurance


cat's grace spell pathfinder kingmaker wiki guide 64pxCat's Grace



chameleons stride illusion icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minChameleon Stride



effortless armor transmutation spell icon pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guideEffortless Armor



hold animal enchantment icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minHold Animal


owls wisdom transmutation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minOwl's Wisdom



protection from energy communal abjuration spell icon pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guideProtection From Energy



sense vitals pathfinder wotr wiki guide 64pSense Vitals



sickening entanglement transmuation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minSickening Entanglement


spike growth transmutation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minSpike Growth



stone call conjuration icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minStone Call



summon natures ally ii conjuration icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minSummon Nature's Ally II





Level 3

animal aspect greater spell pathfinder wotr wiki guide 64pAnimal Aspect, Greater



chameleons stride greater illusion icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minChameleon Stride, Greater



cure moderate wounds icon conjuration spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65pxCure Moderate Wounds



delay poison communal conjuration icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minDelay Poison, Communal


feather step mass transmutation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minFeather Step, Mass



instant enemy enchantment icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minInstant Enemy



life blast necromancy icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minLife Blast



 longstrider greater transmutation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minLongstrider, Greater


magic fang greater transmutation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minMagic Fang, Greater



neutralize poison conjuration spell icon pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guideNeutralize Poison



protection from energy communal 2 abjuration spell icon pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guideProtection from Energy, Communal



remove disease conjuration icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65pxRemove Disease


resist energy communal abjuration spell icon pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guideResist Energy, Communal



soothing mud conjuration icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minSoothing Mud



summon natures ally iii conjuration icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minSummon Nature's Ally III






Level 4

animal growth transmutation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minAnimal Growth



aspect of the wolf transmutation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minAspect of the Wolf


blessing of the salamander transmutation icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minBlessing of the Salamander



cure serious wounds conjuration icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65pxCure Serious Wounds


freedom of movement abjuration spell icon pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guideFreedom of Movement



inspiring recovery conjuration spell icon pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guideInspiring Recovery


shield of dawn evocation spell icon pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guideShield of Dawn



summon natures ally iv conjuration icon spell pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide 65px minSummon Nature's Ally IV





Ranger Spells in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

Quick Search of All Ranger Spells  





Acid Maw Transmutation Your animal companion's bite attack deals an additional 1d4 points of acid damage, and the acid deals another 1d4 points of acid damage to the target on the next round. 1
Aspect of the Falcon Transmutation You take on an aspect of a falcon. Your eyes become wide and raptor-like, and you grow feathers on the sides of your head.
You gain a +3 competence bonus on Perception checks, a +1 competence bonus on ranged attacks, and the critical multiplier for your bows and crossbows becomes 19–20/×3.
Cure Light Wounds Conjuration When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 1d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +5).
Since the undead are powered by negative energy, this spell deals damage to them instead of curing their wounds.
Delay Poison Conjuration The subject becomes temporarily immune to poison.
Any poison in its system or any poison to which it is exposed during the spell's duration does not affect the subject until the spell's duration has expired.
Delay poison does not cure any damage that poison may have already done.
Entangle Transmutation This spell causes tall grass, weeds, and other plants to wrap around creatures in thearea of effect or those that enter the area.
Creatures that fail their save gain the entangled condition.
Feather Step Transmutation For the duration of this spell, the subject ignores the adverse movement effects of difficult terrain. 1
Hurricane Bow Transmutation An arrow fired from a medium longbow normally deals 1d8 points of damage, but it would instead deal 2d6 points of damage if fired from a hurricane bow. 1
Lead Blades Transmutation Lead blades increases the momentum and density of your melee weapons just as they strike a foe.
All melee weapons you are carrying when the spell is cast deal damage as if one size category larger than they actually are.
Longstrider Transmutation This spell gives you a +10-foot enhancement bonus to your base speed.
It has no effect on other modes of movement, such as burrow, climb, fly, or swim.
Magic Fang Transmutation Magic fang gives all natural weapons or unarmed strikes of the subject a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls.
The spell can affect a slam attack, fist, bite, or any other natural weapon.
Resist Energy Abjuration The subject gains resist energy 10 against the energy type chosen, meaning that each the creature is subjected to such damage (whether from a natural or magical source), that damage is reduced by 10 points before being applied to the creature's hit points. 1
Summon Nature's Ally I Conjuration This spell summons to your side a natural mite.
The summoned ally appears where you designate and acts according to its initiative check results.
It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability.
Unbreakable Heart Enchantment The target creature gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects that rely on negative emotions (such as crushing despair, rage or dear effects) or that would force them to harm an ally (such as confusion).
If the target is already under such an effect when receiving this spell, that effect is suppressed for the duration of this spell.
Animal Aspect Transmutation You gain some of the beneficial qualities of an animal.
Your base form is largely unchanged and your size is unaltered, but some of your body parts are altered.
Armor or gear you are wearing adjusts to your new shape for the duration of the spell.
Aspect of the Bear Transmutation You take on an aspect of a bear. You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to natural armor and a +2 enhancement bonus on CMB rolls.
You also gain the ability to perform a bull rush combat maneuver.
Barkskin Transmutation Barkskin toughens a creature's skin.
The effect grants a +2 enhancement bonus to the creature's existing natural armor bonus.
Bear's Endurance Transmutation Grants a +4 enhancement to constitution 2
Cat's Grace Transmutation Grants a +4 enhancement to dexterity 2
Chameleon Stride Illusion You fade into the background, and while you are not truly invisible, you are hard to pinpoint due to your translucent state.
While under the effects of this spell, you gain a +4 bonus on Stealth checks and have concealment from creatures more than 5 feet away (attacks have a 20% miss chance).
Effortless Armor Transmutation Armor you wear no longer reduces your speed.
You also reduce the armor's armor check penalty by 1 + 1 per five caster levels (maximum 5).
Hold Animal Enchantment This spell functions like hold person, except that it affects an animal instead of a humanoid. 2
Owl's Wisdom Transmutation Grants a +4 enhancement to wisdom. 2
Protection from Energy Abjuration Protection from energy grants temporary immunity to the type of energy you specify when you cast it (acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic).
When the spell absorbs 12 points per caster level of energy damage ( to a maximum of 120 points at 10 levels), it is discharged.
Sense Vitals Divination Allows 1d6 sneak attack + 1d6 per 3 LVL beyond 3rd (max 5d6 at 15LVL).
Stacks with other precision damage.
Sickening Entanglement Transmutation This spell functions as entangle, except the plants are coated with an irritating sap that creates a painful, itching rash on creatures that touch them. 2
Spike Growth Transmutation Any creature moving on foot into or through the spell's area takes 1d4 points of piercing damage for each 5 feet of movement through the spiked area. 2
Stone Call Conjuration 2d6 bludgeoning damage to all targets. Area becomes difficult terrain. 2
Summon Nature's Ally II Conjuration This spell summons to your side a natural giant frog or 1d3 natural mites.
The summoned allies appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results. They attack your opponents to the best of their ability.
Animal Aspect, Greater Transmutation This spell functions like animal aspect, except you gain one aspect that adds effects to the aspects that animal aspect grants. 3
Chameleon Stride, Greater Illusion This spell functions as chameleon stride, except it confers its bonuses upon all allies within 10 feet of you at the time the spell is cast.
If an affected creature moves more than 10 feet away from you, it loses the benefit of the spell.
Creatures that move into the area after the spell is cast do not gain its benefit.
Cure Moderate Wounds Conjuration When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 2d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +10).
Since undead are powered of curing their wounds.
An undead creature can apply spell resistance and can attempt a Will save to take half damage.
Delay Poison, Communal Conjuration Any ally within 30 feet becomes temporarily immune to poison.
Any poison in its system or any poison to which it is exposed during the spell's duration does not affect the subject until the spell's duration has expired.
Delay poison does not cure any damage that poison may have already caused.
Feather Step, Mass Transmutation As feather step, except this spell affects multiple creatures.
Feather Step: For the duration of this spell, the subject ignores the adverse movement effects of difficult terrain.
Instant Enemy Enchantment With this spell you designate the target as your favored enemy for the remainder of its duration. For the duration of the spell, you treat the target as if it were a favored enemy for all purposes. 3
Life Blast Necromancy When you cast this spell, you draw the life force from the surrounding land and hurl it at your enemies, dealing 1d6 points of positive energy damage per caster level (to a maximum of 12d6 at 12th level) to any undead creatures in the spell's area. 3
Longstrider, Greater Transmutation This functions as longstrider, except it gives you a +20-foot enhancement bonus to your base speed. 3
Magic Fang, Greater Transmutation Greater magic fang gives all natural weapons or unarmed strikes of the subject a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls per four caster levels (maximum +5).
The spell can affect a slam attack, fist, bite, or any other natural weapon.
Neutralize Poison Conjuration You detoxify any sort of venom in the creature or object touched. 3
Protection from Energy, Communal Abjuration Protection from energy grants all allies within a 25-foot radius temporary immunity to the type of energy you specify when you cast it (acid, cold electricity, fire, or sonic). 3
Remove Disease Conjuration Remove disease can cure all diseases from which the subject is suffering.
You must make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against the DC of each disease affecting the target.
Success means that the disease is cured.
Resist Energy, Communal Abjuration This abjuration grants all allies within a 25-foot radius limited protection from danger of whichever one of five energy types you select: acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic. 3
Soothing Mud Conjuration You create an area of healing mud.
The mud functions as difficult terrain.
When a creature enters the mud, it is healed of 1d4 points of ability damage.
Summon Nature's Ally III Conjuration This spell summons to your side a natural leopard, 1d3 natural giant frogs, or 1d4+1 natural mites.
The summoned allies appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results.
They attack your opponents to the best of their ability.
Animal Growth Transmutation The target animal grows to twice its normal size and eight times its normal weight. 4
Aspect of the Wolf Transmutation You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity, a +2 enhancement bonus on trip attacks, and can make a trip combat maneuver as a swift action. 4
Blessing of the Salamander Transmutation While under the effects of the spell, the creature gains fast healing 5, fire resistance 20, and a +2 competence bonus to its Combat Maneuver Defense. 4
Cure Serious Wounds Conjuration When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 3d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +15). 4
Freedom of Movement Abjuration This spell enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. All combats maneuver checks made to grapple the target automatically fail. 4
Inspiring Recovery Conjuration You can heal a creature, harm an undead creature, or call upon a very recently dead creature to fight beyond death's reach.
The target creature regains 1d8 hit points per 2 caster levels (maximum 10d8).
Shield of Dawn Evocation Any creature that strikes you with a melee attack deals normal damage, but also takes 1d6 points of fire damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +15).
Creatures with reach weapons are not subject to this damage if they attack you.
Summon Nature's Ally IV Conjuration This spell summons to your side a natural dire boar, 1d3 natural leopards, or 1d4+1 natural giant frogs.
The summoned allies appear where you designate and act according to their initiative check results.
They attack your opponents to the best of their ability.

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