Shrine of the Three

Location Worldwound
Sub-Areas ??
NPC's ??
Merchants ??
Quests A Refuge from the Present

Shrine of the Three is a Location in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Shrine of the Three can be found at Worldwound. The Shrine of the Three is as old as time itself. Within its walls, the Sarkorians praised Erastil, Gozreh, and Pulura; but rumor has it that before Sarkoris emerged this was the shrine of three other deities, whose names have since been lost to time.


 Shrine of the Three Information

  • You can convince the NPC to fight with you. She's pretty strong and doesn't die easily.
  • There are three statues in the main room and another three in a side room to the west of the map.
  • The fight will never end until you have someone go click all three statues in the main room. The levers in the main room disable the traps next to all the glowing runes. After you complete the fight, the npc will initiate a dialog if you convinced her to fight for you earlier. You can choose to kill her then.
  • IMPORTANT: After everything above go to the side room to the west of the map and click as many of the statues as it takes to trigger the quest to go back to the Foreman and tell him the shrine cannot be cleansed. This is the part people are missing and think it is bugged.


NPCs at Shrine of the Three

  • ???


Quests related to Shrine of the Three


Shrine of the Three Map



Shrine of the Three Notes & Tips

  • You may need to discover Old Sarkorian Mines in ACT 3 in order to find this place in ACT 5.
  • Other notes...



Abyss  ♦  Alodae Theatre  ♦  Alushinyrra  ♦  Ancientries and Wonders Shop  ♦  Areelu's Lab  ♦  Arendae Party House  ♦  Artisan's Tower  ♦  Artisan's Tower (Inevitable Excess)  ♦  Ashen Grotto  ♦  AXIS  ♦  Bad Luck Tavern  ♦  Baphomet's Shrine  ♦  Bastion of Justice  ♦  Battlebliss Arena  ♦  Bear's Maw Shrine  ♦  Befouled Barrows  ♦  Blackwater  ♦  Blackwing Library  ♦  Bladesmith Workshop  ♦  Blooming Meadow  ♦  Bone Hills  ♦  Catacombs  ♦  Celebration in Kenabres Square  ♦  Chilly Creek  ♦  City in the Wasteland  ♦  Colyphyr Mines  ♦  Conundrum Unsolved  ♦  Crimson Dust  ♦  Crusader's Camp  ♦  Defender's Heart  ♦  Desolate Hovel  ♦  Desolate Hovel (Inevitable Excess)  ♦  Desolate Thicket  ♦  Dragon Burial Ground  ♦  Drezen  ♦  Echo of Fury Arena  ♦  Estrod Tower  ♦  Extirpator's Camp  ♦  Final Veil  ♦  Forgotten Secrets  ♦  Free Crusader’s Camp  ♦  Golarion  ♦  Gravestone Rock  ♦  Graveyard  ♦  Gray Garrison  ♦  Greengates  ♦  Grimwood  ♦  Gwerm's Mansion  ♦  Heaven's Edge  ♦  Hellknights Outpost  ♦  Hidden Abode  ♦  Houndheart Campsite  ♦  Inconspicuous Camp  ♦  Ineluctable Prison  ♦  Ivory Sanctum  ♦  Iz  ♦  Iz (Inevitable Excess)  ♦  Kenabres  ♦  Kenabres Main Square Gates  ♦  Lair of the Echo of Deskari  ♦  Laughing Caves  ♦  Legacy of the Ancients  ♦  Leper's Smile  ♦  Lost Chapel  ♦  Lower City  ♦  Market Square  ♦  Martyr Zacharius's Cemetery  ♦  Middle City  ♦  Midnight Fane  ♦  Midnight Isles  ♦  Minagho's Hideout  ♦  Molten Scar  ♦  Moondance Meadow  ♦  Mutasafen's Lab  ♦  Nameless Ruins  ♦  Neathholm  ♦  Nexus  ♦  Nightingale Grove  ♦  Nondescript Pier  ♦  Old Sarkorian Mines  ♦  Other Side of Threshold  ♦  Pitaxian Wine Cellar  ♦  Place of Calling  ♦  Place of Execution  ♦  Pulura's Fall  ♦  Rasping Rifts  ♦  Ravaged Long House  ♦  Razmir's Palace  ♦  Reliable Redoubt  ♦  Rotten Guttery  ♦  Ruins of Ashberry Hamlet  ♦  Sacred Lands  ♦  Scrubland by a Bend in the River  ♦  Sevalros's Lair  ♦  Shadow World  ♦  Shield Maze  ♦  Shrine of Sacrilege  ♦  Silken Thread Atelier  ♦  Spinner of Nightmare's Den  ♦  Suspicious House  ♦  Temple of the Good Hunt  ♦  Ten Thousand Delights  ♦  Terendelev's Lair  ♦  The Enigma  ♦  Thieflings Hideout  ♦  Threshold  ♦  Threshold (Inevitable Excess)  ♦  Tirabade Residence  ♦  Topaz Solutions  ♦  Trap for the Other  ♦  Underground Caves of Kenabres  ♦  Underground Floor of the Chief's House  ♦  Underground Hideout  ♦  Upper City  ♦  Valley of Temples  ♦  Vicinity of the Defender's Heart  ♦  wedding meadow  ♦  Wintersun  ♦  Worldwound



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    • Anonymous

      God I hate this quest. I'm so glad it's over with. This quest highlights all the things wrong with this game.

      • Anonymous

        What a miserable quest. Buffed out the wazoo for this one and it still took forever. The game's worst performance in terms of precision and interactivity on full display.

        • Anonymous

          What a shitty design choice forcing turn based mode. They have done a good job of making me hate it rather than want to use it.

          • Anonymous

            It's not bugged.
            1. It forces turn based combat. This is intended.
            2. Hit all the smokey shrines, it stops infinite spawns.
            3. Finish the enemies after you hit the smokey shrines.
            4. Press "j" and look at the quest tracker. It tells you - go hit the magnifying glass on the statues in the WEST (Youll get 2 quest updates) and investigate the water (Mag glass in the water room to the NORTH)

            That progresses the quest.

            • Anonymous

              i hit all the statues and was in the only room i could see. no levers. other than the turn based mode glitching out like always, you can't even put it on auto mode to move faster. idiotic. if the turn based mode didn't randomly glitch out and stop attacking at 3 out of 8 attacks, it wouldn't be so bad. forget about spells. use one spell quickened, and then the entire action bar goes black. now you can't see your spells or how much movement you have. 0/10 game design.

              • Anonymous

                The quest has only one outcome. The shrine is corrupted and cannot be saved.
                You can convince the NPC to fight with you. She's pretty strong and doesn't die easily.
                NOTE: There are three statues in the main room and another three in a side room to the west of the map.
                The fight will never end until you have someone go click all three statues in the main room. The levers in the main room disable the traps next to all the glowing runes. After you complete the fight, the npc will initiate a dialog if you convinced her to fight for you earlier. You can choose to kill her then.
                IMPORTANT: After everything above go to the side room to the west of the map and click as many of the statues as it takes to trigger the quest to go back to the Foreman and tell him the shrine cannot be cleansed. This is the part people are missing and think it is bugged.

                • Anonymous

                  1. Stop the infinite demon spawns by having something fast go touch all the smokyportal statues (N, E, SW)
                  2. While doing #1 carefully, have something else fast go and touch all the neon light things. Doing this disables traps. By now you've probably already set off the rift of ruin trap on the way to the east statue.
                  3. For the love of all that's holy, do not cast multiple elemental swarms in turn based mode. Yeah, you'll win, but your graphics card; no, your whole computer will hate you to the last atom of silicon. Elementals don't really do much to what spawns in here anyway.

                  • Anonymous

                    Definitely bugged. I've managed to beat the demons by clicking statues and runes but this causes the quest to get stuck. Clicking statues seems to stop demons from spawning. 2.5h though T_T

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