Skills (Order of the Sword)


Unlocks at

Level 1


Order of the Sword

An Order of the Sword Cavalier adds Lore (Religion) to his list of class Skills

Skills (Order of the Sword) is an Order Ability for the Cavalier in Pathfinder: Wrath of the RighteousOrder Abilities are special abilities only available to Cavaliers depending on the Order they decide to pledge to at level 1. There are 5 different Orders available. Once one is selected, it can't be changed back.


Skills (Order of the Sword) Information

  • Unlocks: Level 1
  • Description: An Order of the Sword Cavalier adds Lore (Religion) to his list of class Skills


 How to get Skills (Order of the Sword)

Skills (Order of the Sword) can be obtained by choosing the following Order as a Cavalier:


Skills (Order of the Sword) Tips & Notes

  • Notes, tips, tricks, and trivia go here.



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