Spear is a weapon type in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, it belongs to Simple Proficiency Group.


All Spears in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous



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Spiked Defender

Simple 20(x3) 6 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d8 (Piercing) +1 This +1 frost spear grants its wielder a +1 shield bonus to AC, and deals additional 1d3 cold damage.


Simple 20(x3) 6 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d8 (Piercing) +2 This +2 flaming spear grants its wielder the ability to cast searing light spell twice per day as a 8th level cleric.


Simple 20(x3) 6 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d8 (Piercing) +5 This +5 holy undead bane spear grants its wielder a +3 sacred bonus to Initiative checks, and the ability to cast good hope spell three times per day as a 12th level bard.


Simple 20(x3) 6 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d8 (Piercing) +2 This +2 necrotic spear grants its wielder a +5 morale bonus to all Athletics checks, and the ability to cast inflict critical wounds spell three times per day as a 7th level cleric.

Longshank Bane

Simple 20(x3) 6 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d8 (Piercing) +1 This weapon is a +1 longshank bane spear.

Dark Forest

Simple 20(x3) 6 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d8 (Piercing) +4 This +4 necrotic spear summons a friendly 9th level will-o'-wisp for 1d6 rounds when it ends a life.


Simple 20(x3) 6 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d8 (Piercing) +5 Whenever this +5 lands a hit, its target has to succeed on a Fortitude saving throw (DC 27), or 

Vigilant Watch

Simple 20(x3) 6 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d8 (Piercing) +3 Whenever the wielder of this +3 corrosive spear is flat-footed and is hit by an enemy for the first time, they make an attack against that enemy.


Simple 20(x3) 6 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d8 (Piercing) +5 While wielding this +5 thundering burst spear, all creatures summoned by the wielder deal additional 1d6 sonic damage.

Wandering Duelist's Spear

Simple 20(x3) 6 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d8 (Piercing) +5 This +5 keen heartseeker spear grants its wielder a +4 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls on attacks of opportunity. It also grants the wielder a +12 competence bonus on Knowledge (World) skill checks.

Finnean the Talking Weapon

Simple 20(x3) 6 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d8 (Piercing) +3 This is a +3 ghost touch heartseaker weapon. This weapon can tear the soul of a living enemy: whenever it lands a hit, it deals additional 1d6 force damage.

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