Sword of Heaven

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Mythic Path Angel

Angels can imbue their weapons with holy power. Weapons imbued with holy power deal an additional 2d6 holy damage on attacks, while spells and abilities used while holding imbued weapons deal an additional 2 dice of damage or heal an additional 2 dice of damage.

You can use Sword of Heaven a number of times per day equal to 1 plus half your mythic rank.

Sword of Heaven is a Mythic Ability unlocked exclusively by progressing through the Angel Mythic Path in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Mythic Abilities are unique abilities bestowed upon Mystic Heroes when they ascend to certain levels on the respective Mythic Path. These powerful abilities are a crucial component to crafting Builds, as they provide benefits that synergize with specific Spells, Feats, Traits, and Classes. You may find the relevant information of the Sword of Heaven mythic ability on this page.


Sword of Heaven Information

Angels can imbue their weapons with holy power. Weapons imbued with holy power deal an additional 2d6 holy damage on attacks, while spells and abilities used while holding imbued weapons deal an additional 2 dice of damage or heal an additional 2 dice of damage.

You can use Sword of Heaven a number of times per day equal to 1 plus half your mythic rank.


Improved Sword of Heaven


Abolish Disease

Weapons of the angel become a bane to all diseases. A creature wielding them becomes immune to all diseases. Healing spells cast by that creature now remove all diseases from the target and also remove fatigued, exhausted, sickened, and nauseated conditions. Creatures that apply diseases on attacks or are otherwise closely linked to diseases suffer an additional 50% of damage from the wielder as holy damage. 


Abolish Guile

Weapons of the angel become a bane to all guile. A creature wielding them becomes immune to compulsion effects. Healing spells cast by that creature now remove all mind-affecting effects from the target. Creatures that commonly use compulsion suffer an additional 50% of damage from the wielder as holy damage.


Abolish Poison

Weapons of the angel become a bane to all poisons. A creature wielding them becomes immune to poisons. Healing spells cast by that creature now remove all poisons from the target and heal all ability damage and ability drain. Creatures that apply poison on attacks or are otherwise closely linked to poisons suffer an additional 50% of damage from the wielder as holy damage.


Abolish Undeath

Weapons of the angel become a bane to all undeath. A creature wielding them becomes immune to death effects and energy drain. Healing spells cast by that creature now remove paralysis and all negative levels from the target. Undead creatures suffer an additional 50% of damage from the wielder as holy damage.


Bestow the Divine

Angel can now imbue weapons of others with the same holy power. Angel can still imbue the weapons of only one creature.


Everlasting Flame

Sword of Heaven now lasts for 1 minute per mythic rank.


Grand Blessing

Additional damage and healing from Sword of Heaven are now maximized.


Guide the Faithful

Attacks with the imbued weapon now mark the target for 1 minute, making the target visible, giving the target a -40 penalty to stealth checks and a -4 penalty to AC.


Greater Sword of Heaven


Demon Bane

Weapons of Angel become the bane to all demons. You gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls made against creatures with Demon subtype, and successful hits deal additional 2d6 holy damage. This bonus stacks with Bane special quality.


Overwhelming Flames

Attacks of the owner of the imbued weapon now additionally deal weapon damage to all enemies within 5 feet. 


Speed of Light

The owner of the imbued weapon now is under effect similar to Haste, but granting 2 additional attacks and making all spells of level 7 or lower quickened, as though using the Quicken Spell feat.


Heavenly Host

You can grant your sword enhancement to all allies in 50-feet raidus.

Prerequisite: Bestow the Divine

Where to Find Sword of Heaven

  • Sword of Heaven is a mythic ability that can be found at Mythic Rank 3 on the Angel Mythic Path


Sword of Heaven Tips & Notes

  • Notes, tips, tricks, and trivia go here.


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous All Mythic Abilities
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    • Anonymous

      i was taking damage when activating this ability 3d4+2. after a bit of experimentation, i've discovered that if you are in melee range of enemies, every enemy gets a undocumented attack of opportunity against you for using this ability. it has a 100% chance to land, ignoring AC, and does not count as their reaction, because they still took a swing at me when i tried leaving their range, after taking the damage. the damage is always the same 3d4+[number]. in my case that number was always 2. regardless of enemy or game difficulty, i experimented with a minotaur, an omox, and 2 incubuses simultaneously. the combat log shows "player activated sword of heaven", followed by "player takes x damage", repeating for as many enemies are in melee range. the log shows no notice of attacks of opportunity or attack rolls. i'm level 14 monk, mystic rank 4 and have guide the faithful as the improvement to sword of heaven. the specifics of the damage, i noted were base:1d4 then it shows it upgraded to -> "sword of heaven 3d4". only my constitution is +2. there is also an undocumented dazzle effect placed on the enemies when i activate the sword in melee range. it's listed under their status penalties, but it is not documented in the skill description or the combat log.

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