Tongi is a weapon type in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, they belong to Exotic Proficiency Group. To be able to equip and use Exotic Weapons, you'll need to acquire the Martial Weapon Proficiency Feat. You can use certain Exotic Weapons without having the Exotic Weapon Proficiency Feat by unlocking the Weapon Proficiency Feat and selecting the required Weapon Type. Exotic Weapons such as the Tongis are automatically proficient with Classes such as the BarbarianFighterPaladin, and Ranger.

This page covers a list of all the Tongis featured in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous.


All Tongis in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous



Quick Search of All Tongis in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous










Exotic 19-20(x3) 2 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d6 (Piercing) +5 This +5 sacrifical tongi has a chance to stun creatures of evil alignment on critical hits and grants its wielder the ability to cast chain lightning spell once per day as a 11th level wizard.

Destroyer of the Corrupted

Exotic 19-20(x3) 2 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d6 (Piercing) +5 This weapon is a mithral tongi +5.


Exotic 19-20(x3) 2 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d6 (Piercing) +2 Whenever the wielder of this +2 corrosive tongi confirms a critical hit with it, the weapon deals additionally 2 acid damage until the end of the combat. This effect stacks.

Scream of Pain

Exotic 19-20(x3) 2 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d6 (Piercing) +3 Whenever the wielder of this +3 sound burst tongi lands a hit, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 23) or become shaken for 1d3 rounds.


Exotic 19-20(x3) 2 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d6 (Piercing) +4 Whenever the wielder of this +4 anarchic tongi successfully charges at an enemy, the enemy loses its dexterity bonus to AC for 1 round.

Indomitable Punisher

Exotic 19-20(x3) 2 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d6 (Piercing) +5 This +5 aximatic shocking burst tongi grants its weared a +5 competence bonus to CMB.

Finnean the Talking Weapon

Exotic 19-20(x3) 2 lbs 2 ft Melee 1d6 (Piercing) +3 This is a +3 ghost touch heartseaker weapon. This weapon can tear the soul of a living enemy: whenever it lands a hit, it deals additional 1d6 force damage.

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