
 trickery icon pathfinder wotr wiki guide 64px

Trickery is a Skill in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Trickery skill represents character's talent to perform tasks that require fine manipulation. This skill depends on the Dexterity ability score. Skills represent a specific aspect of an ability score, and an individual’s proficiency in a skill demonstrates a focus on that aspect. The amount of Skills a character gets per level is based on the class and then gains 1/2 of the Intelligence modifier.



Trickery Information

You apply your character's Thievery skill to checks required for:

  • Disarming traps or devices

  • Opening locks

  • The Armor Check Penalty applies to the skill check.


Trickery Tips & Notes

  • Trickery notes and tips go here...
  • Update 2.3.0bb states "Armor now gives a penalty to Trickery, as it should" (June 13, 2024). This was mentioned in the description in-game, but was previously not applied.


Athletics  ♦  Knowledge (Arcana)  ♦  Knowledge (World)  ♦  Lore (Nature)  ♦  Lore (Religion)  ♦  Mobility  ♦  Perception  ♦  Persuasion  ♦  Stealth  ♦  Use Magic Device


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