Weakening Wound

When making a sneak attack against a creature that has damage reduction, the character's attack reduces that damage reduction for two rounds by an amount equal to the character's level. This penalty to damage reduction does not stack.

Weakening Wound is one of many Class Features available in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Class Features are generally passive benefits that characters gain based on their Class but can also sometimes be active Skills that you can use in combat. Abilities in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous can be used for both dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff characters or just protect you.


Weakening Wound Information



How to Acquire Weakening Wound

Weakening Wound can be obtained by the following Classes:


Weakening Wound can be cast by using the following Items:

  • Item: Item goes here.
  • Weapon: Weapon goes here.
  • Armor: Armor goes here.


Weakening Wound Tips & Notes

  • Notes & Tips go here


Shared Abilities
Archaeologist's Luck  ♦  Augment Summoning (Class Feature)  ♦  Bard Proficiencies  ♦  Bard Talent  ♦  Bardic Performance (Move Action)  ♦  Bardic Performance (Swift Action)  ♦  Beast Call  ♦  Blinding Strike  ♦  Bound to the Land  ♦  Call Lightning  ♦  Canny Observer  ♦  Cantrips (Bard)  ♦  Clever Explorer  ♦  Combat Trick  ♦  Confident Explorer  ♦  Confounding Blades  ♦  Crippling Strike  ♦  Dance of the Dead  ♦  Danger Sense  ♦  Deadly Performance  ♦  Detected Magic  ♦  Dirge of Doom  ♦  Dispelling Attack  ♦  Double Debilitation  ♦  Evasion  ♦  Familiar (Bard)  ♦  Fan the Flames  ♦  Fascinate  ♦  Fire Dance  ♦  Focusing Attack - Confused  ♦  Focusing Attack - Shaken  ♦  Focusing Attack - Sickened  ♦  Frightening Tune  ♦  Haunted Eyes  ♦  Haunting Refrain  ♦  Hunter's Surprise  ♦  Improved Evasion  ♦  Improved Uncanny Dodge  ♦  Incite Rage - Enemies  ♦  Inspire Competence  ♦  Inspire Courage  ♦  Inspire Ferocity (Beast Tamer)  ♦  Inspire Greatness  ♦  Inspire Heroics  ♦  Inspire Tranquility  ♦  Iron Guts  ♦  Jack of All Trades  ♦  Lore Master (Bard)  ♦  Opportunist  ♦  Saving Tranquility  ♦  Secrets of Grave  ♦  Secrets of the Grave  ♦  Skill Mastery - Knowledge  ♦  Skill Mastery - Lore  ♦  Skill Mastery - Stealth and Trickery  ♦  Slayer Camouflage  ♦  Slow Reactions  ♦  Soothing Performance  ♦  Spontaneous Summoning  ♦  Storm Call  ♦  Storm Call, Greater  ♦  Summon Nature's Ally  ♦  Summon Nature's Ally I (Class Feature)  ♦  Summon Nature's Ally II (Class Feature)  ♦  Summon Nature's Ally III (Class Feature)  ♦  Summon Nature's Ally IV (Class Feature)  ♦  Summon Nature's Ally IX (Class Feature)  ♦  Summon Nature's Ally V (Class Feature)  ♦  Summon Nature's Ally VI (Class Feature)  ♦  Summon Nature's Ally VII (Class Feature)  ♦  Summon Nature's Ally VIII (Class Feature)  ♦  Terrain Mastery  ♦  Thunder Call  ♦  Tranquil Apotheosis  ♦  Tranquil Senses  ♦  Trap Sense  ♦  Uncanny Dodge  ♦  Weapon Snatcher  ♦  Wearying Strike  ♦  Well-Versed


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    • Anonymous

      The descritipn is false. It's not "character's level". Rather it's "class level", referring to the class that gave you access to this feat.

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