Weapon and Armor Proficiency (Monk)


A sohei is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light armor, instead of a monk's usual weapon and armor proficiencies.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency (Monk) is one of many Class Features available in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Class Features are generally passive benefits that characters gain based on their Class but can also sometimes be active Skills that you can use in combat. Abilities in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous can be used for both dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff characters or just protect you.


Weapon and Armor Proficiency (Monk) Information



How to Acquire Weapon and Armor Proficiency (Monk)

Weapon and Armor Proficiency (Monk) can be obtained by the following Classes:


Weapon and Armor Proficiency (Monk) can be cast by using the following Items:


Weapon and Armor Proficiency (Monk) Tips & Notes

  • Notes & Tips go here


Monk Abilities
Abundant Step  ♦  AC Bonus  ♦  Advice  ♦  Animal Companion  ♦  Body of Stone  ♦  Bones of Stone  ♦  Bonus Feat (Sohei)  ♦  Devoted Guardian  ♦  Diamond Body  ♦  Diamond Soul  ♦  Draconic Heritage  ♦  Draconic Mettle  ♦  Evasion  ♦  Fast Movement (Monk Ability)  ♦  Flurry of Blows  ♦  Flurry of Blows (Zen Archer)  ♦  Hard as Stone  ♦  Improved Evasion  ♦  Improved Strike  ♦  Improved Unarmed Strike  ♦  Insightful Strike  ♦  Inspire Competence  ♦  Ki Arrows  ♦  Ki Pool  ♦  Ki Power  ♦  Ki Power: Abundant Step  ♦  Ki Power: Diamond Body  ♦  Ki Power: Diamond Soul  ♦  Ki Power: Perfect Self  ♦  Ki Power: Quivering Palm  ♦  Ki Power: Wholeness of Body  ♦  Ki Strike - Adamantine  ♦  Ki Strike - Cold Iron and Silver  ♦  Ki Strike - Lawful  ♦  Ki Strike - Magic  ♦  Ki Weapon  ♦  Monastic Mount  ♦  Monk Bonus Feat  ♦  Monk Proficiencies  ♦  Mystic Power  ♦  Mystic Wisdom  ♦  Perfect Strike  ♦  Perfect Strike (Monk)  ♦  Perfect Strike (Zen Archer)  ♦  Point Blank Master (Ability)  ♦  Purity Of Body  ♦  Quarterstaff Damage  ♦  Quivering Palm  ♦  Scaled Fist Bonus Feat  ♦  Skills (Monk)  ♦  Snap Shot  ♦  Soul of Stone  ♦  Still Mind  ♦  Stone Self  ♦  Strength of Stone  ♦  Student of Stone Bonus Feat  ♦  Stunning Fist  ♦  Stunning Fist: Fatigue  ♦  Stunning Fist: Sicken  ♦  Style Strike  ♦  Style Strike - Disarm  ♦  Style Strike - Sunder  ♦  Style Strike - Trip  ♦  Unarmed Strike  ♦  Way of the Bow  ♦  Weapon Training (Monk)  ♦  Wholeness of Body  ♦  Zen Archer Weapon Proficiency  ♦  Zen Archery


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