Where's My Dragon? |
Location | Fleshmarkets |
Reward | Loot |
Where's My Dragon? is a Quest in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Quests can provide unique adventuring experience, as well as powerful gears and treasures. Some quests are time-limited and some can only be completed with certain companions. This quest is part of the Azata mythical questline in Act 4.
Where's My Dragon? Information
There is one thing the Abyss can do very, very well - steal that which is most precious. This is what happened to the Commander. Aivu, the Commander's beloved pet and locus of her power, has been abducted. Finding and rescuing her in this strange, cruel plane seems impossible. But perhaps there is a way to make the impossible possible.
Where's My Dragon? Objectives
Listen to Early Sunset's counsel
The Commander's longtime associate has arrived in the Abyss and has a suggestion for how to find Aivu. He is waiting in the Nexus, at the former rift known as the Gates of Midnight.
Search the Fleshmarkets
Early Sunset is preparing to question slavers while disguised as a powerful demon and potential buyer. If Aivu is still in Alushinyrra, the slavers will rush to procure a dragon for an influential client. The Commander has been tasked with secretly providing protection, and needs to escort her comrade to the Fleshmarkets.
Free Aivu
The location where the dragon is being held has been discovered. It is in the Middle City, not far from the Fleshmarkets. It will be necessary to go to Shed-Skin's hideout and either rescue Aivu by force, or make a deal with the marilith.
Start an uprising
The Fleshmarkets and its operations have severely tested the Commander's patience. Now that Aivu has been returned, it's time to go and show these evildoers how wrong they are.
Summon Early Sunset for a conversation
Much of Early Sunset's behavior has been questionable. It is time to get some answers from him.
Where's My Dragon? Walkthrough
- At some point during your travels in act 4, some demons will kidnap Aivu. Early Sunset contacts you with a plan to get her back.
- Go to the Nexus and find Early Sunset. He is in the cave with your other companions. You might have some issues finding him, because he's at the exact same spot as Bismuth (if you have him).
- Last Sunset will come up with a plan and you need to go to the Fleshmarkets. Once there, he will be near the entrance (the portal up). If you haven't done so yet, you may wish to kill the various slavers in this area (you can kill them one at a time, without the others becoming aggressive towards you). Once you're ready, talk to Early Sunset and he'll go and question slavers.
- While he's talking you can make several perception / stealth checks to catch more of the conversation. This will be helpful later.
- Once he's done, you need to go to Shed-Skin's hideout. This isn't properly communicated in game, but it's right behind her stall in the Fleshmarkets itself.
- Inside, you can make a choice to deal with a slave. If you save them, they'll come back in Act 5.
- Deal with the situation however you see fit. Caution: some people reported a bug with this quest in case Aivu died during the fight. Make sure to keep her alive.
- Once you're done, go back outside and decide on how to deal with Shed-Skin and the Fleshmarket.
- If you decide to clean out the Fleshmarket, you will have to fight all the slavers and guards inside. This can be a difficult and overwhelming fight if you hadn't removed the slavers one by one before.
- After all this, talk to Early Sunset and figure out what his deal is.
Where's my dragon? important NPCs
Early Sunset
Where's My Dragon? Completed quest information
It is done, and it has changed the face of Alushinyrra, perhaps forever.
Where's My Dragon? Tips & Tricks
- It's wise to clean up the individual slavers (and have dealt with the slaves in whatever way you want) prior to completing this mission. Specifically, you need to buy some of the slaves for the Battlebliss quest so you may wish to have this done. Afterwards, it can be helpful to kill every slaver one by one so you don't have to deal with them later as it can easily get overwhelming.
- Shed-Skin's lair can be found right behind her.
- There doesn't seem to be a way to do this quest without Early Sunsets help.
- Some people reported a bug with this quest if Aivu dies during the rescue. Make sure to keep her alive.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
F*** this quest. What idiot drops 3 bosses into one area and then says "oh, the player on X Mythic path could potentially have to fight all three of them if they don't have meta-game knowledge"
Literally, the last time I played my Angel run was like 8 months ago. I don't remember 80% of these enemies (Just vaguely which ones were challenging for that run) but even then bolt/storm of justice on my Paladin resolved many issues that are now untenable. Let's not mention how some azata spells are still bugged and Sarzaksys gets a 53 attack with tandem trip which destroys anyone he(it?) hits
- Anonymous
Fun fact: this quest doesn't matter in the slightest. Intentionally left the dragon un-rescued, popped back into my party after returning from the abyss. So, perfectly capable of rescuing itself
- Anonymous
This is a wonderful mess xD I went in fully buffed and let the carnage begin. Sure some people got downed and that Pathfinder dude died...nontheless ... worth it to see all the bodies of those scummy slavers hit the ground (and get a bunch of money too)
- Anonymous
I believe Aivu is only kidnapped if you talk to the naga woman. And even me passing the Early Sunset checks didn't behave weird, well I know what he is but I don't remember if I needed to talk to him about it yet. Also I didn't attack everyone because I obviously hadn't cleaned before.
- Anonymous
If you have Bismuth and he's dead when Aivu is captured then Early Sunset will not be back at Nexus and thus you can't complete this quest. Don't know what happens when you resurrect Bismuth.
This just happened to me last night. I may have to put the game down for awhile just because I'm not going to proceed if it means losing my dragon due to a bug.
- Anonymous
16 Feb 2023 22:34
F*** this quest. What idiot drops 3 bosses into one area and then says "oh, the player on X Mythic path could potentially have to fight all three of them if they don't have meta-game knowledge"
Literally, the last time I played my Angel run was like 8 months ago. I don't remember 80% of these enemies (Just vaguely which ones were challenging for that run) but even then bolt/storm of justice on my Paladin resolved many issues that are now untenable. Let's not mention how some azata spells are still bugged and Sarzaksys gets a 53 attack with tandem trip which destroys anyone he(it?) hits
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