White Wind's Cloak

white winds cloak shoulder armor pathfinder wrath of the righteous wiki guide


This damaged coat can now be worn only as a cloak and only by a non-evil aligned creature.

If the cloak is worn by a character with no levels in duelist class, such character will get the Precise Strike Ability.

If this cloak is worn by a duelist, she gets a +4 competence bonus to attack rolls while parrying. Additionally, her Precise Strike ability now adds 1.5 of her duelist level as a bonus to her damage rolls.

It also allows the wearer to cast a sacred nimbus spell three times per day as a 9th level cleric.


0 lbs.



White Wind's Cloak is a Shoulder armor piece in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Cloaks and Capes is an armor piece where the player's characters can wear on over their shoulders or on their back. Each cape and cloak contain its unique defensive stats, effects, bonuses, skill checks, and more when they are equipped. Helms are usually obtained as rewards from completing quests, purchased from merchants, looted from various locations, crafted, or are dropped by enemies and bosses.



White Wind's Cloak Information


  • This damaged coat can now be worn only as a cloak and only by a non-evil aligned creature.

    If the cloak is worn by a character with no levels in duelist class, such character will get the Precise Strike Ability.

    If this cloak is worn by a duelist, she gets a +4 competence bonus to attack rolls while parrying. Additionally, her Precise Strike ability now adds 1.5 of her duelist level as a bonus to her damage rolls.

    It also allows the wearer to cast a sacred nimbus spell three times per day as a 9th level cleric.

Item Information:

  • Weight: 0 lbs.
  • Sell Value: 2


Where to Find White Wind's Cloak

  • The White Wind's Cloak can be found in the Ivory Sanctum, as one of the final rewards for completing a puzzle. First, you must hit three buttons which summon a ghostly minotaur for the party to fight. Once you have hit all three buttons, enter a room full of chests, and on the wall there are five tiles you can click. Click them in the order: Circle, pentagon, hexagon, triangle. Inside the secret room, there is a chest which has the White Winds Cloak.


White Wind's Cloak Tips & Builds

  • ???
  • Notes, Tips, and other Trivia


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Shoulders Armor
Absolver's Cloak  ♦  Augur's Cape  ♦  Black Fur Cloak  ♦  Blood Clarity  ♦  Call of Arcane Reserves  ♦  Call to Violence  ♦  Cape of Pest Control  ♦  Castigator's Cloak  ♦  Celestial Protection  ♦  Cloak of Astounding Prowess  ♦  Cloak of Blood Scent  ♦  Cloak of Carnage  ♦  Cloak of Cinders  ♦  Cloak of Cleansing  ♦  Cloak of Darkest Rites  ♦  Cloak of Disguise  ♦  Cloak of Heroism  ♦  Cloak of Illusory Invisibility  ♦  Cloak of Inner Warmth  ♦  Cloak of Resistance +1  ♦  Cloak of Resistance +2  ♦  Cloak of Resistance +3  ♦  Cloak of Resistance +4  ♦  Cloak of Resistance +5  ♦  Cloak of Resistance +6  ♦  Cloak of Sacred Studies  ♦  Cloak of Shadows  ♦  Cloak of Sparkles  ♦  Cloak of Sweet Lies  ♦  Cloak of the Ancient Herald  ♦  Cloak of the Bear  ♦  Cloak of the Chosen  ♦  Cloak of the Lion  ♦  Cloak of the Seer  ♦  Cloak of the Winter Wolf  ♦  Cloak of Unbending Will  ♦  Cloak of Winter Veil  ♦  Contagious Shroud  ♦  Dungeoneer's Cloak  ♦  Enchanter's Cape  ♦  Extraplanar Cloak  ♦  Flawless Cloak of Resistance 7  ♦  Grave Shivering  ♦  Herbalist's Cape  ♦  Hermit's Cloak  ♦  Hero Cloak  ♦  Librarian's Cloak  ♦  Living Flame  ♦  Misty Cover  ♦  Noxious Veil  ♦  Perilous Shade  ♦  Rogue's Companion  ♦  Ruler's Mantle  ♦  Scarlet Allure  ♦  Shaman's Cloak  ♦  Shroud of Abaddon  ♦  Skin of the Rough Beast  ♦  Skinned Leather Cloak  ♦  Strigoi's Embrace  ♦  Thaumaturgist's Cloak  ♦  The Bound of Possibility  ♦  Thick Pelt Cloak  ♦  Toxic Wrap  ♦  Warm Embrace  ♦  Wrath of the Undead  ♦  Wyvern Skin Cloak

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    • Anonymous

      Aside from using the one handed piercing weapons a character wearing this can also enable precise strike using a dueling sword by taking the aldori dueling sword mastery feat and toggling one-handed on

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