The Last Sarkorians

the last sarkorians title wrath of the righteous wiki guide
Release Date March 7, 2023

The Last Sarkorians is a DLC for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. It will be available on March 7, 2023. 

Meet Ulbrig Olesk, a strange man with the unique ability to transform into a majestic griffon, who remembers Sarkoris as it was before Areelu Vorlesh opened the Worldwound. Take him into your party and experience the crusade through the eyes of the last surviving tribal chieftain of old Sarkoris. 

Explore new places, unravel the mystery of your new companion, and, perhaps, win his heart?

And if you like Ulbrig’s abilities, you can select the new Shifter class for yourself as well! Choose from one of six available archetypes, fight as a humanoid armed with sharp claws, or transform into a mighty beast—or both! The choice is yours. We’ve also added a number of new spells to make shifting more fun for you.



The Last Sarkorians Features & Content



New Locations

  • Gundrun


New Quests


New Items

Name Effects

Midnight Hunter's Ring

This ring grants its wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity ability score. Their attacks against lycanthropes gain a +2 enhancement bonus on attack rolls. Once per day, the wearer of this ring can apply the effect of the haste spell to themselves for 5 rounds.

Bonebreaker's Ring

This ring grants its wearer a +6 deflection bonus to AC. Whenever the wearer hits an enemy with a slam attack, it breaks a random bone in the target's body, applying a penalty: 1. Rib: a -1 penalty on Fortitude saving throws and a -2 per creature's HD to its maximum hit points. 2. Skull: -1 penalty on Will saving throws. 3. Leg: speed reduced by 5 foot. 4. Arm: -1 penalty on all attack rolls. Each penalty stacks up to 5 times. It can't be applied to creatures without bones or those who don't need them, such as aberrations, undead, constructs and plants. It persists for 1 day.
Ring of the Mad Duelist This jagged steel ring was made of an armor shard, picked up on a battlefield and crudely bent into the shape of a circle. Its wearer can at will choose any foe they see. The wearer gets a +2 bonus to their AC and saving throws against all attacks made by the chosen enemy, until the wearer chooses another one.
The Seven Virtues of a True Ruler This ring is decorated with a seven-pointed star — a symbolic representation of the virtues that, according to the beliefs of the ancient Azlanti, any true ruler must have. Each of the star's seven rays is made from a metal of a distinct color, but the craftsmanship is superb to the point where you cannot see any seams between the metals.
The ring grants its wearer a number of abilities:
Firstly, the wearer can activate one of the following seven effects:
Generosity — grants the wearer the effect of the frightful aspect spell.
Humility — grants the wearer the effect of the blur spell and a +4 insight bonus on all skill checks.
Temperance — grants the wearer the effect of the false life, greater spell and a +2 bonus on saving throws against death effects.
Love — grants the wearer the effect of the heroism, greater spell.
Charity — grants the wearer the effect of the mind blank spell.
Zeal — grants the wearer the effect of the seamantle spell.
Kindness — grants the wearer the effect of the winds of vengeance spell.
The spell effects are applied as if they were cast by a 20th level spellcaster.
Secondly, if the wearer is on a Mythic Path, they gain +5 additional daily uses of their primary ability (demonic rage for the Demon, Hell's decree for the Devil, etc.). If the Mythic Path the wearer is on has no such ability, the power of the ring attempts to perfect the wearer's mind and body, granting them a +4 inherent bonus to all ability scores.
Thirdly, the ring grants its wearer the ability to heal all living creatures within 30 feet for 20d6 hit points seven times per day. All other creatures within range take as many points of positive energy damage. Creatures that take damage receive a Will save to halve the damage. If the wearer is on the Lich Mythic Path, the effects of this ability are reversed.
Cat's Boots These boots give the wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity ability score. The wearer's movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. If these boots are worn together with the Owl's Cowl, the enhancement bonus increases to +6, and the wearer additionally gains a +5 bonus on all initiative rolls.
Rootspeaker's Boots Twigs sprout from these tall brown boots. While the wearer is on the ground, ghostly roots grow from the boots' soles, granting their wearer tremorsense 30 feet. While the roots are active the wearer gains a +4 bonus to CMD against trip, bull rush, overrun and grapple combat maneuvers.
Treacherous Kiss This weapon is a +2 unholy keen all-bane light crossbow.
Savamelekh Spine This is +5 vicious composite longbow made from the spine of demon Savamelekh and contains part of his power. Whenever the wielder of this bow hits the target, the target becomes corrupted — it suffers a -2 penalty to all ability scores. These penalties do not stack with themselves. This is a curse effect.
Locust Shepard's Staff While holding this +2 quarterstaff, the wielder gains DR 5/- against the attacks of swarms. Melee attacks with the staff deal additional 3d8 bludgeoning damage to all swarms, even those that would normally be immune to weapon damage. The wielder can use the staff to cast remove sickness three times per day as a swift action.
Ustalavic Pride This +3 full plate armor grants its wearer a +3 enhancement bonus to Charisma ability score and a +4 enhancement bonus to CMD. It also grants its wearer DR 5/- against the attacks of the undead.
Barding of Tenacity This +3 barding grants its wearer immunity to poison and trip combat maneuver.
Eternal Night This helmet grants its wearer DR 10/cold iron and good.
Owl's Cowl This cowl gives the wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Wisdom ability score. If the wearer benefits from any shifter aspect, they also gain a +2 circumstance bonus to damage with all natural attacks. If this cowl is worn together with the Cat's Boots, the wearer additionally gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC.
Mask of the Rapid Bites Whenever the wearer of this mask hits an enemy with a bite attack for the first time in a round, they immediately make another bite attack with the full attack bonus.
Legacy of the Last Azlanti This amulet, created from a shard of the shield of Aroden, the fallen god of humanity, contains the embodiment of wrath upon all enemies of humankind. The amulet grants its wearer the following abilities: Firstly, each of the wearer's attacks deals an extra 2d6 points of holy damage against all non-human creatures. Secondly, 7 times per day, whenever the wearer confirms a critical hit, the amulet unleashes the ire of the Last Azlanti, dealing 20d6 points of holy damage to all non-human enemies within 30 feet (a successful Will saving throw halves the damage). If the wearer is on the Lich Mythic Path, the damage type changes to unholy. Thirdly, the amulet holds the memory of the time when Aroden was still a mortal archmage, and this memory guides the wearer: all their spells with elemental descriptors (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sound) deal 2 additional points of damage per dice rolled to all their targets, and their save DCs increase by 2. Fourthly, whenever the wearer is hit by a melee attack for the first time in a round, the amulet prevents all physical damage from the attack. Finally, whenever the wearer rolls for initiative, they roll twice and take the better result.
Periapt of Placebos What at first appears to be a fine gem dangling from a long, silver chain is in fact a cut and polished bezoar. The periapt of placebos is a common magic item among alchemists and plague doctors alike, many of whom erroneously believe it renders them immune to the dangerous conditions in which they work. This necklace, often mistaken for a more powerful item, inspires in its wearer the utter conviction that they have been rendered immune to both disease and poison. While the necklace grants no genuine protections, the strength of belief it imparts nonetheless grants its wearer a +2 morale bonus to all saving throws against diseases and poisons. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Swarmbane Clasp An ancient fossilized insect lies trapped within this ornate amber clasp, impaled by the long golden pin that fastens the wearer's cloak. The wearer's weapons, unarmed attacks, and natural attacks deal full damage to swarms, regardless of the swarm's immunity to weapon damage (if any, although damage reduction applies as normal). If the wearer is damaged by a swarm, they automatically succeed on their saving throw against the swarm's distraction ability.
Bestial Rags These tattered and ragged garments extend the duration of a shifter's transformation, allowing then to shift into their aspects' minor forms for 5 additional minutes per day. When the wearer assumes a major form, they gain a +2 racial bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution ability scores.
Bracers of Mighty Boar These bracers are adorned with fragments of a boar's tusks. They grant the wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength ability score. Whenever the wearer charges using a natural attack, their first attack this round has its base damage dice tripled.
Scorching Bracers These golden bracers grant their wearer an ability to cast scorching ray 3 times per day as a 12 level caster. They also increase the save DC against all Evocation school spells the wearer casts by 2.
Belt of Primal Force This belt once worn by a notorious Gorilla King. To unlock its true powers, one needs to become one with their true nature. The belt grants its wearer a +6 enhancement bonuses to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution ability scores. When worn by a shifter who has a final aspect (or any other 20 level capstone class ability), the enhancement bonuses increase to +8, and the wearer additionally gains the ability to once per day emit a devastating cry. It deals 10d12 sonic damage to every enemy in a 30 feet range, stunning them for 1d4 rounds (a successful Fortitude saving throw halves the damage and negates the stunned condition). Every ally in the same range instead receives a +4 morale bonus on all attack and damage rolls for one minute.
Belt of the Last of the First Humans This belt, adorned with a buckle shaped like a stylized shooting star, grants its wearer a pale semblance of the powers once wielded by the immortal warrior wizard himself. Firstly, the wearer receives a +5 sacred bonus on attack rolls and a +10 sacred bonus on damage rolls with weapons. Secondly, spells and spell-like abilities that target the wearer are turned back upon the original caster. Thirdly, whenever the wearer is hit by a ranged attack for the first time in a round, the belt prevents all physical damage from the attack. Finally, whenever the wearer rolls for initiative, they roll twice and take the better result.
Gloves of the Deathdealer When the wearer of these gloves makes a sneak attack, it deals additional 1d6 damage.
Paws of the Bear King These gloves are made of the hide of a legendary ancient Sarkorian bear-god. If the wearer has a claw attack, the damage dice for this attack increases by one step (for example, 1d4 becomes 1d6). They also grant the wearer a +5 enhancement bonus on all attack and damage rolls with unarmed attacks and natural weapons.


Rewards in the main campaign




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