Light Armor in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous features various sets and pieces that provide defenses and additional bonuses to the playable character. Light Armor grants defenses against various Enemies and also provides with different fixed and random modifiers that affect the player stats. Armor pieces are usually obtained as rewards from completing quests, purchased from merchants, looted from various locations, or are dropped by Enemies and Bosses. You can find detailed information on its location and properties on each individual page linked below.


All Light Armor in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous


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Base AC


Dark Retriever's Padded Armor

Padded This is an intermediate step of relic creation 1+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Shroud of the Eternal Hunger

Padded The wearer of this +3 padded armor gets +3 bonus to saving throws against fear and nauseated condition. Whenever the wearer is attacked with a spell, the enemy must pass a Will saving throw (DC 19) or become nauseated for one round. 1+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Thick Pads

Padded Whenever an enemy confirms a critical hit against the wearer of this +1 padded armor, they must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 16) or become unstable to attack with a weapon for one round. 1+1 Enhancement Enhancement +1

Web Strider

Padded This +3 padded armor is finely done, using a bit of leather, webs, and teeth, it grants the wearer +2 morale bonus to Dexterity score. 1+3 Enhancement +2 Dexterity
Enhancement +3

Zon-Kuthon's Suffocating Caress

Padded This +4 padded armor is very stuff. The wearer suffers -2 penalty to attack rolls and Constitution score. However, the wearer gets electricity resistance 30. If they suffer any electrical damage, the armor becomes infused with electricity: for the next round, the wearer's attacks deal addition 1d12 electric damage, and the spells with the electric descriptor they cast become quickened as though using the Quickened Spell feat. 1+4 Enhancement  Enhancement +4

Exalted Leader's Chainshirt

Chainshirt This +5 mithral chainshirt grants its wearer heavy fortification and immunity against bleed effects. 4+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5, Mithral

Purging Chains

Chainshirt This +5 adamantine chainshirt makes its wearer immune to ability score damage.  4+5 Enhancement Adamantine, Enhancement +5

Panther's Grace

Studded This +5 studded armor grants its wearer a +15 competence bonus on Stealth skill checks as well as a +4 competence bonus on Reflex saving throws. 3+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5

Impending Eclipse

Haramaki This +5 haramaki makes its wearer immune to elemental damage for the first three rounds of combat.  1+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5

Desert Mirage

Leather This +5 armor grants its wearer a +15 competence bonus on Trickery skill checks. In addition, whenever the wearer successfully passes a saving throw, they gain the displacement spell effect for 1 round. 2+5 Enhancemnet Enhancement +5

Deadly Rays

Haramaki This +5 haramaki grants its wearer a +4 insight bonus on range touch attack rolls.  1+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5

Barding of Vengeance

Leather Barding Whenever the wearer of this +5 leather barding suffers 30 or more damage in single hit, he gets the effect of winds of vengeance spell for 1 minute. 2+5 Enhancemnet Enhancement +5

Arrow Catcher

Haramaki This +5 haramaki grants its wearer DR 6/- against ranged weapon attacks. 1+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5

Trailblazer's Armor

Leather This +4 leather armor grants its wearer a +10 competence bonus on Perception checks and a +3 bonus to maximum Dexterity. 2+4 Enhancemnet +10 Perception
Enhancement +4

Seasoned Assassin's Armor

Studded While wearing this +4 studded armor you have total concealment against all ranged attacks (weapon and touch). Whenever you receive a critical hit from a ranged attack, you gain DR 10/- for 1d3 rounds. Howeer, receiving a critical hit in melee combat makes you prone for 1 round. 3+4 Enhancement Enhancement +4

Eternal Ballad

Chainshirt This +4 mithral chainshirt prevents bard's Bardic Performance or skald's Raging Song class abilities from being interrupted when the wearer is stunned or knocked prone. In addition, allies revived by the skald's Song of the Fallen gain a +2 morale bonus to attack and damage until the end of combat.  4+4 Enhancement Enhancement +4, Mithral

Haramaki of Divine Guidance

Haramaki This +4 haramaki grants its wearer a +4 sacred bonus on all saving throws.  1+4 Enhancement Enhancement +4

Mystic Grace

Leather This +3 leather armor made from very light and delicate leather, increasing max dexterity bonus by 1 and decreasing arcane spell failure chance by 10%.It also grants the wielder +2 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. 2+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Royal Messenger's Chainshirt

Chainshirt This +4 mithral chainshirt grants its wearer a+4 bonus on Reflex saving throws and a +10 competence bonus on Mobility checks.  8+4 Enhancement Enhancement +4

Armor of Vigilant Sprouts

Padded Whenever the wearer of this +4 padded armor is hit by a sneak attack or an attack of opportunity, the attack must pass a Reflex saving throw (DC 28) or become entangled for 3 rounds. 1+4 Enhancement Enhancement +4

Studded Armor of Trinity

Studded This +3 studden leather grants the wearer DR 3/-. 3+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Padded Armor of Refined Maneuver

Padded This +3 padded armor grants the wearer a +5 competetence bonus on Mobility checks, a +3 bonus to CMB, and a +3 bonus to CMD. 1+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Mantle of Night

Leather This +3 leather armor blurs the wearer whenever she tries to hide, while also dampending the sound around her, granting a +10 competence bonus on stealth skill checks. If the wearer is no longer hidden blur effects stays for 1s4 rounds. 2+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Delamere's Armor

Leather This +3 leather armor allows its wearer to cast spells from the Plants domain as if they were 2 caster level higher. 2+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Exquisite Chain Barding

Chainshirt Barding This +3 chainshirt barding grants its wearer a +2 bonus to Dexterity ability score, and immunity to ability score damage for the first 3 rounds of combat. 4+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Haramaki of Scholarship

Haramaki This +3 haramaki grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus on Knowledge (Arcana) skill checks and a +4 bonus on Concentration checks. 1+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Leather Armor of Useful Pockets

Leather This +3 armor grants the wearer a +2 bonus to Dexterity. Every day the wearer finds a random scroll in its pocket. 2+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Delamere's Cursed Armor

Leather This is a +3 leather armor 2+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Chainshirt of Life Vim

Chainshirt This +3 chainshirt grants the wearer a +4 profane bonus to AC against the attacks of non-living creatures.  4+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Unbending Armor

Studded This +1 studded leather armor grants the wearer DR/ piercing. 3+1 Enhancement Enhancement +1

Padded Armor of Focus

Padded This padded armor grants its wearer a+2 concentration checks. 1 n/a

Lightened Harness

Leather Barding This +1 leather barding increases animal companion base speed by 10 feet and grants it one additional attack of opportunity. 2+1 Enhancement Enhancement +1

Armor of Vigilance

Leather This +1 leather armor grants the wearer a +4 bonus to AC against sneak attacks. 2+1 Enhancement Enhancement +1

Bruiser's Chainshirt

Chainshirt This +2 chainshirt grants the wearer DR 3/ piercing. 4+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2

Naturalist Armor

Studded This +2 studded leather armor grants its wearer a +2 insight bonus to AC against the attacks of plants and vermins. 3+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2

Veteran's Armor

Padded This +2 padded armor grants the wielder 10 resistance against fire and electricity.  1+3 Enhancement Enhancement +2

Mithral Chainshirt

Chainshirt n/a 4 Mithral

Mithral Chainshirt +1

Chainshirt n/a 4+1 Enhancement Enhancement +1, Mithral

Mithral Chainshirt +2

Chainshirt n/a 4+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2, Mithral

Mithral Chainshirt +3

Chainshirt n/a 4+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3, Mithral

Mithral Chainshirt +4

Chainshirt n/a 4+4 Enhancement Enhancement +4, Mithral

Mithral Chainshirt +5

Chainshirt n/a 4+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5, Mithral

Lady Callandra's Chainshirt

Chainshirt This is a +2 mithral chainshirt.  4+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2, Mithral

Sage Armor

Leather This +5 leather armor grants its wearer an additional +2 dodge bonus to aC while under the effects of a shield spell. 2+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5

Second Skin

Padded This +4 padded armor has a +4 bonus to armor's maximum Dexterity.  1+4 Enhancement Enhancement +4

Archer's Archfoe

Padded This +5 padded armor grants itswearer DR 5/- against ranged attacks 1+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5

Heavenly Vest

Chainshirt This +5 mithral chainshirt grants its wearer immunity to energy drain.  4+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5, Mithral

Reaper's Vest

Studded This +3 studded armor grants tsi weaer an addition +3 dodge bonus to AC against shaken opponents' attacks. 3+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Ghost Leather

Leather This +3 leather armor grants its wearer the effect of the greater invisibility spell for 2 rounds whenever an enemy successfully hits them. 2+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Sheperd's Armor

Studded This +5 studded armor grants its wearer a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls with shortbows and longbows.  3+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5

Mail of Clear Skies

Studded This +5 chianmail has a maximum Dexterity bonus of +5, an armor check penalty of -1, and an arcane spell failure chance of 15%. It is considered light armor. 3+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5

Assassin's Chainshirt

Chainshirt This +4 adamantine chainshirt grants its wearer a +4 bonus on critical confirmation rolls. 8+4 Enhancement  Enhancement +4, Adamantine

Bombardier's Vest

Leather This +1 leather armor provides its wearer a +2 bonus on attack rolls with bonsb and similar weapons. 2+1 Enhancement Enhancement +1 

Adamantine Chainshirt

Chainshirt n/a 4 Adamantine

Adamantine Chainshirt +1

Chainshirt n/a 4+1 Enhancement Adamantine, Enhancement +1

Adamantine Chainshirt +2

Chainshirt n/a 4+2 Enhancement Adamantine, Enhancement +2

Adamantine Chainshirt +3

Chainshirt n/a 4+3 Enhancement Adamantine, Enhancement +3

Adamantine Chainshirt +4

Chainshirt n/a 4+4 Enhancement Adamantine, Enhancement +4

Adamantine Chainshirt +5

Chainshirt n/a 4+5 Enhancement Adamantine, Enhancement +5

Vest of Hundred Pockets

Studded This +2 Studded leather armor grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus to Trickery skill checks. 3+2 Enhancement +5 Trickery

Enhancement +2, Hundred Pockets

Jester's Vest

Padded Whenever the wearer of this colorful +1 padded armor casts the Hideous Laughter spell, its DC is increased by 2. 1+1 Enhancement Enhancement +1

Woodland's Aegis

Studded This +2 studded leather allows the wearer to cast barkskin spell once per day as a 3rd level druid.  3+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2

Shadow Leather +1

Leather This +1 leather armor grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus to Stealth skill checks.  2+1 Enhancement

+5 Stealth

Enhancement +1, Shadow

Gentle Persuasion

Leather Upon performing a good deed, this armor reduces the wearer's Constitution by 2 each time, to a mini of 1. Only committing an evil act can provide relief, removing the constitution penalty and giving 10 temporary hit points instead. ** 2+5 Enhancement

+10 Stealth
+6 Dexterity

Enhancement +5, Greater Shadow, Conditioning

Padded Armor of Greater Acid and Sonic Resistance

Padded This +5 padded armor grants its wearer acid and sonic resistance 30.  1+5 Enhancement

Enhancement +5,  Acid resistance 30, Sonic resistance 30

Padded Armor of Greater Negative Energy Resistance

Padded This +3 padded armor grants its wearer resistance to negative energy 30 1+3 Enhancement

Enhancement +3, Negative Energy Resistance 30

Mithral Chainshirt of Greater Fire Resistance

Chainshirt This +5 mithral chianshirt grants its wearer fire resistance 30. 4+5 Enhancement

Enhancement +5, Mithral, Fire Resistance 30

Leather Armor of Greater Electricity Resistance +5

Leather This +5 leather armor grants its wearer resistance to electricity 30 2+5 Enhancement

Enhancement +5, Electricity Resistance 30

Leather Armor of Greater Cold Resistance

Leather This +3 leather armor grants its wearer resistance to cold 30 2+3 Enhancement

Enhancement +3, Cold Resistance 30

Chainshirt of Greater Acid Resistance

Chainshirt This +5 chainshirt grants its wearer resistance to acid 30. 4+5 Enhancement

Enhancement +5, Acid Resistance 30

Studded Leather

Studded n/a 3 n/a

Studded Leather +1

Studded n/a 3+1 Enhancement Enhancement +1

Studded Leather +2

Studded n/a 3+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2

Studded Leather +3

Studded n/a 3+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Studded Leather +4

Studded n/a 3+4 Enhancement Enhancement +4

Studded Leather +5

Studded n/a 3+5 Enhancement

Enhancement +5


Haramaki n/a 1 n/a

Haramaki +1

Haramaki n/a 1+1 Enhancement Enhancement +1

Haramaki +2

Haramaki n/a 1+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2

Haramaki +3

Haramaki n/a 1+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Haramaki +4

Haramaki n/a 1+4 Enhancement Enhancement +4

Haramaki +5

Haramaki n/a 1+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5

Leather Barding

Leather Barding n/a 2 n/a

Leather Barding +1

Leather Barding n/a 2+1 Enhancement Enhancement +1

Leather Barding +2

Leather Barding n/a 2+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2

Leather Barding +3

Leather Barding n/a 2+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Leather Barding +4

Leather Barding n/a 2+4 Enhancement Enhancement +4

Leather Barding +5

Leather Barding n/a 2+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5

Leather Armor

Leather n/a 2 n/a

Leather Armor +1

Leather n/a 2+1 Enhancement Enhancement +1

Leather Armor +2

Leather n/a 2+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2

Leather Armor +3

Leather n/a 2+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Leather Armor +4

Leather n/a 2+4 Enhancement Enhancement +4

Leather Armor +5

Leather n/a 2+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5

Padded Armor

Padded n/a 1 n/a

Padded Armor +1

Padded n/a 1+1 Enhancement Enhancement +1

Padded Armor +2

Padded n/a 1+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2

Padded Armor +3

Padded n/a 1+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Padded Armor +4

Padded n/a 1+4 Enhancement Enhancement +4

Padded Armor +5

Padded n/a 1+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5


Chainshirt n/a 4 n/a

Chainshirt +1

Chainshirt n/a 4+1 Enhancement Enhancement +1

Chainshirt +2

Chainshirt n/a 4+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2

Chainshirt +3

Chainshirt n/a 4+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Chainshirt +4

Chainshirt n/a 4+4 Enhancement Enhancement +4

Chainshirt +5

Chainshirt n/a 4+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5

Chainshirt Barding

Chainshirt Barding n/a 4 n/a

Chainshirt Barding +1

Chainshirt Barding n/a 4+1 Enhancement Enhancement +1

Chainshirt Barding +2

Chainshirt Barding n/a 4+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2

Chainshirt Barding +3

Chainshirt Barding n/a 4+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Chainshirt Barding +4

Chainshirt Barding n/a 4+4 Enhancement Enhancement +4

Chainshirt Barding +5

Chainshirt Barding n/a 4+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5

Dark Studded Leather Armor

Studded n/a 3+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Chainshirt of Life

Chainshirt n/a 4+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Sturdy Leather Armor

Leather n/a 2+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2

Leather Armor of Medium Acid Resistance

Leather n/a 2+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2, Acid Resistance 15

Infiltrator's Armor

Leather This +2 leather armor grants +5 competence bonus on Stealth skill checks. 2+2 Enhancement +5 Stealth

Enhancement +2

Padded Armor of Firm Steps

Padded This +2 padded armor grants its wearer immunity to trip. 1+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2

Studded Leather of Medium Electricity Resistance

Studded This +2 studded leather armor grants its wearer resistance to electricity 15 3+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2

Antitioxin Chainshirt

Chainshirt This +2 chainshirt grants its wearer +3 bonus on saving throws against poison 4+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2

Padded Armor of Fortitude

Studded This +1 padded armor grants its wearer +3 resistance bonus on Foritude saving throws. 1+1 Enhancement +3 Fortitude

Enhancement +1

Oak's Pelt

Leather This +3 leather armor gives the wearer a natural armor bonus instead of an armor bonus. 0 +5 Armor Class

Imperial Jaeger

Studded This +5 studded armor grants its wearer a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls with crossbows. 3+5 Enhancement Enhancement +5

Stainless Chainshirt

Chainshirt This +1 adamantine chainshirt grants its wearer acid resistance 15. 4+1 Enhancement Enhancement +1, Adamantine

Light Absorber

Chainshirt This +2 chainshirt protects its wearer form blinding effects 4+2 Enhancement Enhancement +2

Chainbreaker's Chainmail

Chainshirt This +3 chainshirt grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus on all Trickery skill check and a +3 resistance bonus on Reflex saving throws. It also grants tse ability to cast freedom movement spell once pe day as a 7th level cleric.  4+3 Enhancement +5 Trickery
+3 Reflex

Enhancement +3. Mithral

Blizzard's Heart

Studded This +4 studded leather armor grants its wearer cold resistance 25 and an ability to cast cone of cold spell twice per day as a 9th level wizard. 3+4 Enhancement Cold Resistance 25, Enhacnement +4

Burned Protector

Leather This +2 leather armor grants its wearer fire resistance 10 and an ability to cast Remove Disease spell once per day as a 5th level cleric. 2+2 Enhancement Fire Resistance 10, Enhancement +2

Python Skin Doublet

Leather This +4 leather armor grants its wearer a +4 bonus to all saving throws against poison, paralysis and sleep; immunity to trip, and allows to cast Touch of Slime twice per day as a 7th level wizard. 2+4 Enhancement Enhancement +4

Royal Guardian

Studded This +5 studded leather armor. has a maximum Dexterity bonus of +15. It increases its wearer's maximum HP by 20. 3+5 Enhancement +20 Hit Points

Enhancement +5

Vest of Mirrors

Leather If the wearer of this +3 leather armor has the Bardic Performance ability, it allows them to use it for 4 additional rounds per day. It also grants them the ability to cast displaceent spell three times per day as a 5th level wizard. 2+3 Enhancement Enhancement +3

Scorpion's Hatred

Leather This +3 leather armor grants its wearer fire resistance 10 and acid resistance 10. It also grants the ability to cast poison spell twice per day as a 5th level cleric. 2+3 Enhancenment Fire Resistance 10, Enhancement +3. Acid Resistance 10

Stoic Wolf

Studded This +2 studded leather armor grants its wearer cold resistance 10 and the ability to cast beast shape I ( wolf) spell once per day as a 5th level wizard. 3+2 Enhancenment Enhancenment +2, Cold Resistance 10

Gleaming Chainshirt

Chainshirt This +2 chianshirt grants its wearer fire resistance 10, acid resistance 10, cold resistance 10 and electricity resistance 10. 4+2 Enhancenment Enhancement +2, Fire Resistance 10, Cold Resistance 10, Electricity Resistance 10, Acid Resistance 10

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