The Lord of Nothing

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Release Date Nov 21, 2023

The Lord of Nothing is a DLC for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous that launch on Nov 21, 2023. The Lord of Nothing is the fifth premium DLC for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, wrapping up the story of the second Through the Ashes DLC. Explore new and unique locations, make new friends, and face a powerful demon lord to bring Sendri and Rekarth's story to its long-awaited finale. And only you will determine how this adventure will turn out for the characters.

In The Lord of Nothing DLC you will have to survive in the frozen lands, uncover the secrets of the mysterious wizard's tower, help the Kellids in the blooming caves, and even look into the Shadow Plane! But you won't be alone: an angel of Sarenrae with a tragic background and an enchanting new android companion will join you in confronting the evil flourishing in the remote corners of Golarion. And even the commander won't be left behind — a new quest and dungeon will be available to complete in the fifth chapter.


The Lord of Nothing Features & Content

Continue your journey with a character from Through the Ashes DLC or create a new one: 15 new archetypes, new spells, and feats await you. All of these will be available in the main campaign when creating a new character or retraining one.


New Archetypes


New Companions


New Locations


New Quests


Rewards in the main campaign

To get rewards, you need to beat Chain Darkness on Core or higher (Hard, Unfair):

  • Minor Nightglass
  • Void Shards
  • Ring of Shadow Stealing (Hard or Unfair)
  • Absolute Darkness (Unfair)
  • Midnight Flail (Unfair)
  • Scrolls
  • Fight with a new Demon Lord


The Lord of Nothing DLC Gallery


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