Protection from Law

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The subject gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by lawful creatures. Additionally, the abjuration protects from attempts to dominate or charm the subject.


Touch range.


1 minute/level




Not affected by target's spell resistance





Protection from Law is an Abjuration Spell in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Protection from Law is a level 1  Spell from the Abjuration school. Other school categories include Abjuration SpellsConjuration SpellsIllusion SpellsDivination SpellsEnchantment SpellsEvocation SpellsTransmutation Spells and Necromancy Spells. Spells in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous can be used for both dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments or to buff Characters.


Protection from Law Information

Spell Details:

  • Target: Touch range.
  • Duration: 1 minute/level
  • Saving Throw: --
  • Spell Resistance: Not affected by target's spell resistance
  • Spell Descriptors: --
  • Casting Time: Standard action
  • Spell Effect: The subject gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by lawful creatures. Additionally, the abjuration protects from attempts to dominate or charm the subject.


How to Acquire Protection from Law

Light can be obtained by the following classes:

  • ??

Protection from Law can be cast by using the following Items:

  • Item ??
  • Weapon ??
  • Armor ??


Protection from Law Tips & Notes

  • Other notes, tips, tricks, and trivia.


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous All Abjuration Spells
Aegis of the Faithful  ♦  Aura of Greater Courage  ♦  Banishment  ♦  Bestow Grace  ♦  Bone Shield  ♦  Break Enchantment  ♦  Cave Fangs  ♦  Cloak of Chaos  ♦  Corrupt Magic  ♦  Crystal Mind  ♦  Dismiss Spell  ♦  Dismissal  ♦  Dispel Magic  ♦  Dispel Magic, Greater  ♦  Edict of Impenetrable Fortress  ♦  Edict of Invulnerability  ♦  Edict of Perseverance  ♦  Edict of Predetermination  ♦  Edict of Retaliation  ♦  Embodiment of Order  ♦  Equal Force  ♦  Firebelly  ♦  Fortress of the Faithful  ♦  Freedom of Movement  ♦  Friendly Hug  ♦  Grace  ♦  Holy Aura  ♦  Joy of Life  ♦  Life Bubble  ♦  Mind Blank  ♦  Mind Blank, Communal  ♦  Oath of Peace  ♦  Protection From Alignment  ♦  Protection from Alignment, Communal  ♦  Protection from Arrows  ♦  Protection from Arrows, Communal  ♦  Protection from Chaos  ♦  Protection from Chaos Evil  ♦  Protection from Chaos Evil, Communal  ♦  Protection from Chaos, Communal  ♦  Protection from Energy  ♦  Protection from Energy, Communal  ♦  Protection from Evil  ♦  Protection from Evil, Communal  ♦  Protection from Spells  ♦  Protection of Nature  ♦  Rainbow Dome  ♦  Remove Curse  ♦  Remove Fear  ♦  Resist Energy  ♦  Resist Energy, Communal  ♦  Resistance  ♦  Shield  ♦  Shield from Demonkind  ♦  Shield of Faith  ♦  Shield of Law  ♦  Songs of Steel  ♦  Spell Resistance  ♦  Starlight  ♦  Stoneskin  ♦  Stoneskin, Communal  ♦  Strand of the Tangled Knot  ♦  Stunning Barrier  ♦  Sun Form  ♦  Sun Marked  ♦  Unbreakable Bond  ♦  Unholy Aura  ♦  Veil of Heaven  ♦  Veil of Positive Energy  ♦  Ward from Disease  ♦  Ward from Disease, Communal  ♦  Ward from Harm  ♦  Ward from Harm Communal  ♦  Ward from Unclean  ♦  Ward from Unclean, Communal  ♦  Ward from Weakness  ♦  Ward from Weakness Communal  ♦  Zero State  ♦  Zone of Predetermination


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