Banishment |
Banishes 2 HD/level of extraplanar creatures. TARGET All creatures within a 30 foot burst, centered on target point within close range. DURATION -- SAVING THROW Will negates SPELL RESISTANCE Affected by target's spell resistance SPELL DESCRIPTORS -- CASTING TIME Standard Action |
Banishment is a Abjuration Spell in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Banishment is a 7 from the Abjuration school. Spells in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous can be used for both dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments or to buff Characters.
Banishment Information
Spell Details:
- Target:
All creatures within a 30 foot burst, centered on target point within close range.
- Duration: --
- Saving Throw: Will negates
- Spell Resistance: Affected by target's spell resistance
- Spell Descriptors: --
- Casting Time: Standard Action
- Spell Effect: A banishment spell is a more powerful version of the dismissal spell. It enables you to force extraplanar creatures out of your home plane. As many as 2 Hit Dice of creatures per caster level can be banished in a 30-foot radius, and creatures who are closest to the burst's point of origin are affected first.
Dismissal: This spell forces an extraplanar creature back to its proper plane if it fails a Will save. If the spell is successful, the creature is instantly whisked away.
How to Acquire Banishment
Banishment can be obtained by the following classes:
Banishment can be cast by using the following Items:
- Item ??
- Weapon ??
- Armor ??
Banishment Tips & Notes
- Notes and tips go here...
Abjuration Spells |
Aegis of the Faithful ♦ Aura of Greater Courage ♦ Bestow Grace ♦ Bone Shield ♦ Break Enchantment ♦ Cave Fangs ♦ Cloak of Chaos ♦ Corrupt Magic ♦ Crystal Mind ♦ Dismiss Spell ♦ Dismissal ♦ Dispel Magic ♦ Dispel Magic, Greater ♦ Edict of Impenetrable Fortress ♦ Edict of Invulnerability ♦ Edict of Perseverance ♦ Edict of Predetermination ♦ Edict of Retaliation ♦ Embodiment of Order ♦ Equal Force ♦ Firebelly ♦ Fortress of the Faithful ♦ Freedom of Movement ♦ Friendly Hug ♦ Grace ♦ Holy Aura ♦ Joy of Life ♦ Life Bubble ♦ Mind Blank ♦ Mind Blank, Communal ♦ Oath of Peace ♦ Protection From Alignment ♦ Protection from Alignment, Communal ♦ Protection from Arrows ♦ Protection from Arrows, Communal ♦ Protection from Chaos ♦ Protection from Chaos Evil ♦ Protection from Chaos Evil, Communal ♦ Protection from Chaos, Communal ♦ Protection from Energy ♦ Protection from Energy, Communal ♦ Protection from Evil ♦ Protection from Evil, Communal ♦ Protection from Law ♦ Protection from Spells ♦ Protection of Nature ♦ Rainbow Dome ♦ Remove Curse ♦ Remove Fear ♦ Resist Energy ♦ Resist Energy, Communal ♦ Resistance ♦ Shield ♦ Shield from Demonkind ♦ Shield of Faith ♦ Shield of Law ♦ Songs of Steel ♦ Spell Resistance ♦ Starlight ♦ Stoneskin ♦ Stoneskin, Communal ♦ Strand of the Tangled Knot ♦ Stunning Barrier ♦ Sun Form ♦ Sun Marked ♦ Unbreakable Bond ♦ Unholy Aura ♦ Veil of Heaven ♦ Veil of Positive Energy ♦ Ward from Disease ♦ Ward from Disease, Communal ♦ Ward from Harm ♦ Ward from Harm Communal ♦ Ward from Unclean ♦ Ward from Unclean, Communal ♦ Ward from Weakness ♦ Ward from Weakness Communal ♦ Zero State ♦ Zone of Predetermination |