Cave Fangs |
You create a magical trap in the area that causes deadly. stalactites or stalagmites to "bite' an intruder. The magical trap is triggered whenever an enemy creatures moves through the affected area. TARGET
DURATION10 minutes/ level SAVING THROWReflex half SPELL RESISTANCENot affected by target's spell resistance SPELL DESCRIPTORS-- CASTING TIMEStandard action |
Cave Fangs is an Conjuration Spell in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Cave Fangs is a level 5 Spell from the Conjuration school. Other school categories include Abjuration Spells, Conjuration Spells, Illusion Spells, Divination Spells, Enchantment Spells, Evocation Spells, Transmutation Spells and Necromancy Spells. Spells in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous can be used for both dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments or to buff Characters.
Cave Fangs Information
- Level: 5
- School: Conjuration
Spell Details:
- Target:
Personal. - Duration: 10 minutes/ level
- Saving Throw: Reflex half
- Spell Resistance: Not affected by target's spell resistance
- Spell Descriptors: --
- Casting Time: Standard action
- Spell Effect: You create a magical trap in the area that causes deadly. stalactites or stalagmites to "bite' an intruder. The magical trap is triggered whenever an enemy creatures moves through the affected area. The effect of cave fangs depends on whether you create stalactites or stalagmites(see below). You can place these traps anywhere within close range as free action the duration of the spell; the trap's radius is 5 feet. Each time you place a trap, the spell's duration is reduced by 10 minutes.
Stalactites: Shards of rock drop from above, dealing 3s8 points of bludgeoning and piercing damage (Reflex half). A creature that fails its Reflex save is pinned to the ground under stalactites and rubble, gaining the entangled condition until it can free itself with a successful DC 15 Strength check or DC 20 Mobility check.
Stalagmites: Piercing spires of rock erupt up from the ground, dealing 3d8 points of piercing damage and knocking the creature prone( a successful Reflex saving throw halves this damage and avoids being knocked prone). Once the stalagmites appear, they function thereafter as spike stones for 1 minute per caster level and then crumble to dust.
How to Acquire Cave Fangs
Light can be obtained by the following classes:
Cave Fangs can be cast by using the following Items:
- Item ??
- Weapon ??
- Armor ??
Cave Fangs Tips & Notes
- Notes and tips go here...
- Anonymous
Be wary of the Stalagmites version of this - seems to persist after combat and cannot be removed with the 'dismiss spell' ability (I stacked a few on top of mobs then managed to kill a character while trying to loot lol). Resting probably removes the spiked stones effect it but you can't rest in all areas otherwise I guess you need to wait out the 1 min per caster level duration.
If you have Enduring Spells and a CL of 6 or higher, you can drop 144 rocks in 1 turn because of this being a free action that only consumes time as a resource.