Hungry Pit |
You create an extra-dimensional hole with a depth of 10 feet per two caster levels (maximum 100 feet). The pit has the ability to squeeze and crush any creature trapped within it. TARGET
DURATION1 round + 1 round/level SAVING THROWReflex negates SPELL RESISTANCENot affected by target's spell resistance SPELL DESCRIPTORS-- CASTING TIMEStandard Action |
Hungry Pit is a Conjuration Spell in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Hungry Pit is a level 5 Spell from the Conjuration school. Other school categories include Abjuration Spells, Conjuration Spells, Illusion Spells, Divination Spells, Enchantment Spells, Evocation Spells, Transmutation Spells and Necromancy Spells. Spells in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous can be used for both dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments or to buff Characters.
Hungry Pit Information
- Level: 5
- School: Conjuration
Spell Details:
- Target:
All creatures within a 10 foot burst, centered on target point within medium range. - Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level
- Saving Throw: Reflex negates
- Spell Resistance: Not affected by target's spell resistance
- Spell Descriptors: --
- Casting Time: Standard Action
- Spell Effect: You create an extra-dimensional hole with a depth of 10 feet per two caster levels (maximum 100 feet). The pit has the ability to squeeze and crush any creature trapped within it.
Any large or smaller creature standing in the area where you first conjured the pit must make a Reflex saving throw to jump to safety in the nearest open space. In addition, the edges of the pit are sloped, and any creature ending its turn on a square adjacent to the pit must make a Reflex saving throw with a +2 bonus to avoid falling into it. Creatures subjected to an effect intended to push them into the pit (such as bull rush) do not get a saving throw to avoid falling in if they are affected by the pushing effect.
Creatures who fall into the pit take falling damage as normal (1d6 bludgeoning damage pet 10 feet). In addition, anyone within the pit takes 4d6 points of bludgeoning damage each round as the pit contracts and then returns to its normal size (a successful Reflex save halves this damage). The ever-shifting walls of the pit are quite difficult to scale: to climb them, a creature need a successful Athletics or Mobility skill check with a DC of 35. When the duration of the spell ends, creatures within the hole rise up with the bottom of the pit until they are standing on the surface over the course of a single round.
How to Acquire Hungry Pit
Light can be obtained by the following classes:
Hungry Pit can be cast by using the following Items:
- Item ??
- Weapon ??
- Armor ??
Hungry Pit Tips & Notes
- Notes and tips go here...