Undeath to Death |
This spell functions like circle of death, except that it destroys undead creatures. TARGET
DURATION-- SAVING THROWWill negates SPELL RESISTANCEAffected by target's spell resistance SPELL DESCRIPTORS--- CASTING TIMEStandard Action MATERIAL COMPONENTDiamond Dust (Up to 10) |
Undeath to Death is a Necromancy Spell in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Undeath to Death is a 6 from the Necromancy school. Spells in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous can be used for both dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments or to buff Characters.
Undeath to Death Information
- Level: 6
- School: Necromancy
Spell Details:
- Target:
All enemies within a 40 foot burst, centered on target point within medium range. - Duration: --
- Saving Throw: Will negates
- Spell Resistance: Affected by target's spell resistance
- Spell Descriptors: --
- Casting Time: Standard Action
- Spell Effect: Undeath to Death destroys undead creatures. The spell slays 1d4 HD worth of undead creatures per caster level (maximum 20d4). Those who are closest to the burst's point of origin are affected first. All creatures with 9 or less HD are slain outright, while creatures with more than 9 HD take 100 damage instead. HD that are not sufficient to affect a creature are wasted.
- Material Component: Diamond Dust (Up to 10)
How to Acquire Undeath to Death
Undeath to Death can be obtained by the following classes:
Undeath to Death can be cast by using the following Items:
- Item ??
- Weapon ??
- Armor ??
Undeath to Death Tips & Notes
- Notes and tips go here...
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