Shortspear is a weapon type in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, it belongs to Simple Proficiency Group.
All Shortspears in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Quick Search of All Shortspears in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
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Speed Corrossive Shortspear +4 |
Simple | 20(x2) | 3 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d6 (Piercing) | +4 | This weapon is found near the Playful Shadow in the Midnight Fane. |
Deadly Ivy |
Simple | 20(x2) | 3 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d6 (Piercing) | +2 | Each time this +2 corrosive short spear lands a hit, the enemy has to pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15) or be poisoned for 1d3 rounds. |
Butterfly Hunter's Needle |
Simple | 20(x2) | 3 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d6 (Piercing) | +4 | This +4 fey bane short spear grants the wielder a +3 insight bonus to AC against fey's attacks. |
Boneshard |
Simple | 20(x2) | 3 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d6 (Piercing) | +4 | This +4 shortspear deals negative energy damage. |
Mourning |
Simple | 20(x2) | 3 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d6 (Piercing) | +4 | Whenever this +4 keen shortspear confrims a hit, it has a chance to cast crushing despair spell (DC 21) on the target. Whenever it confirms a critical hit, it has a chance to cast finger of death spell (DC 21) on the target. |
Tight Grip of Anguish |
Simple | 20(x2) | 3 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d6 (Piercing) | +3 | Whenever this +3 shock short spear confrims a critical hit on an enemy, that enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 22). If the saving throw is failed, for the next 1d3 rounds whenever this creature is deal damage, it suffers an additional 1 piercing damage. Multiple applications of this effect do not stack the additional damage, but prolong the effect. |
Impaler |
Simple | 20(x2) | 3 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d6 (Piercing) | +4 | This +4 unholy shortspear deals additional 2d6 piercing damage against Large or bigger creatures. When it hits Small or lesser creature with 100 or less Hit Points, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 26) or be instantly killed. |
Chillroar's Tusk Shortspear |
Simple | 20(x2) | 3 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d6 (Piercing) | +2 | With this +2 shortspear absorbs water from the target on each hit. On every fifth hit it automatically casts the cold ice strike spell in the direction of the enemy as a 12th level wizard. |
Chillroar's Tusk Shortspear (Altered) |
Simple | 20(x2) | 3 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d6 (Piercing) | +2 | With this +2 speed shortspear,a successful attack using the cleave of Vital Strike feat makes the target prone for 1 round. If the next attack against the affected creature is successful, the enemy suffers additional 2d6 sonic damage, if it was a critical hit, it deals additional 2d6 sonic damage. |
Finnean the Talking Weapon |
Simple | 20(x2) | 3 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 1d6 (Piercing) | +3 | This is a +3 ghost touch heartseaker weapon. This weapon can tear the soul of a living enemy: whenever it lands a hit, it deals additional 1d6 force damage. |
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