Estoc is a weapon type in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, they belong to Exotic Proficiency Group. To be able to equip and use Exotic Weapons, you'll need to acquire the Martial Weapon Proficiency Feat. You can use certain Exotic Weapons without having the Exotic Weapon Proficiency Feat by unlocking the Weapon Proficiency Feat and selecting the required Weapon Type. Exotic Weapons such as the Estoc Weapons are automatically proficient with Classes such as the Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, and Ranger.
This page covers a list of all the Estoc weapons featured in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous.
All Estoc Weapons in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Quick Search of All Estoc Weapons in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Name |
Proficiemcy |
Critical |
Weight |
Range |
Damage |
Enhance |
Bonus |
Lifestopper |
Exotic | 18-20(x2) | 4 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 2d4 (Piercing) | +4 | This +4 keen speed estoc grants its wielder the ability to cast waves of fatigue spell once per day as a 11th level wizard. |
Forsaken Edge |
Exotic | 18-20(x2) | 4 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 2d4 (Piercing) | +2 | This weapon is a +2 unholy estoc. |
Hairsplitter |
Exotic | 18-20(x2) | 4 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 2d4 (Piercing) | +1 | This weapon is a +1 agile estoc. |
Blinding Light |
Exotic | 18-20(x3) | 4 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 2d4 (Piercing) | +5 | This +5 estoc has a x3 critical multiplier. Whenever it confirms a critical hit, it has a chance to blind the target. |
Estoc of Purity |
Exotic | 18-20(x2) | 4 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 2d4 (Piercing) | +1 | This +1 cold iron estoc deals an additional 1d3 positive energy damage on a hit. |
Nimble Edge |
Exotic | 18-20(x2) | 4 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 2d4 (Piercing) | +1 | Whenever this +1 speed estoc confirms a critical hit on an enemy, the wielder gets +2 morale bonues to Dexterity, and each attack they make deals additional 1d4 piercing damage, for 2d3 rounds. |
Crippling Kiss |
Exotic | 15-20(x2) | 4 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 2d4 (Piercing) | +3 | Whenever this +3 keen estoc confirms a critical hit on an enemy, they suffers a stacking -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks until the end of the combat. |
Destroyer of Planes |
Exotic | 18-20(x2) | 4 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 2d4 (Piercing) | +5 | This +5 agile brilliant energy estoc grants its wielder a +2 bonus to DC on evocation school spells. |
Night flash |
Exotic | 18-20(x2) | 4 lbs | 2 ft Melee | 2d4 (Piercing) | +5 | This +5 speed shock estoc grants its wielder a +5 bonus on initiative rolls |
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Night Flash is missing... a +5 Estoc, shock, speed and +5 to iniciative rolls