Chasing the Spinner of Nightmares |
Location | Spinner of Nightmare's Den |
Reward | N/A |
Chasing the Spinner of Nightmares is a Quest in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Quests can provide unique adventuring experience, as well as powerful gears and treasures. Some quests are time-limited and some can only be completed with certain companions.
Chasing the Spinner of Nightmares Information
Venture-Captain Hilor was cripped in this last clash with the Spinner of Nightmares. His fury, however great it may be, won't help his tendrils regenerate any quicker. in invaluable information regarding her current whereabouts. He has asked the Commander to destroy the Spinner of Nightmares and save his daughter Lourry.
Chasing the Spinner of Nightmares Objectives
Talk to Hilor
- Venture-Captain Hilor has sent a foreboding summons. Perhaps the Commander should discover the reason for this sooner rather than later - Hilor does not seem like the type of man who would sound the alarm over nothing.
Deal with the Spinner of Nightmares
- Hilor seems to know for certain where the Spinner of Nightmares currently is. He is wounded, and thus he has reluctantly surrendered his right to battle his nemesis to the Commander. But first, a visit to her hideout is in order.
Give Lourry's locket to Hilor
- The Pathfinder Lourry, also known as the Spinner of Nightmares, is dead. All that's left of her is a locket that once belonged to her mother. Perhaps Hilor will be grateful if the Commander returns this item to him.
Chasing the Spinner of Nightmares Walkthrough
- Walkthrough for Chasing the Spinner of Nightmares goes here...
Chasing the Spinner of Nightmares important NPCs
- Hilor
- The Pathfinder Lourry
Chasing the Spinner of Nightmares Completed quest information
Venture-Captain Hilor's chase is over. The Spinner of Nightmares, also known as the Pathfinder Lourry, will no longer be the target og his everelasting hunt.
Chasing the Spinner of Nightmares Tips & Tricks
- Tricksters have a unique resolution for this quest. When talking with Lourry, you can agree to a permanent type of deception, wherein Lourry enchants her locket before she gives it to you. When you give it to Hilor, it causes him to see an illusion of Lourry with him at all times (though no one else but you can see this illusion). He is quite happy after this, believing it to truly be her, and he gifts you his monocle, the Eye of Truth. While it states that it allows the wearer to identify illusions, it cannot be equipped and does not appear to have any purpose or use.
- Anonymous
Questmarker shows that hilor should be in the inn, but can't find him there. Any idea where he is?
I prepared inventory with all chars, come to retraining... and they kill each other, omfg...