Help the Storyteller
Location | Threshold (Inevitable Excess) |
Reward | One chaos or order point |
Help the Storyteller is a Quest in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Quests can provide unique adventuring experience, as well as powerful gears and treasures. Some quests are time-limited and some can only be completed with certain companions.
Help the Storyteller Information
Help the Storyteller Objectives
Help the Storyteller Walkthrough
Talk to the Storyteller at Threshold (Inevitable Excess) to get this errand. Once you agreed to help him, the team will be teleported to Artisan's Tower (Inevitable Excess).
Inside the tower, there's 2 familiar faces. Devarra from The Dragon Hunt, and Chaleb from The Burning City. They claimed to be working for Valmallos. But if you passed the knowledge check you will find they seem to be deceived.
There are two ways to complete this quest. You must side with either the Storyteller or Chaleb and Devarra. Whoever you do not side with will attack you. Either way, the quest will complete once you defeat your attackers. If you side with the Storyteller, you will gain one Chaos point. If you side with Chaleb and Devarra, you will gain one Order point. These points will influence the ending of Inevitable Excess.
Help the Storyteller important NPCs
Chaleb and Devarra
Help the Storyteller Completed quest information
Help the Storyteller Tips & Tricks
- loot The Collapse and Gloves of Dueling from Chaleb and Devarra. -No loot Found on Unfair difficulty as of 01/15/2023
- The lower level of the tower contains a Flawless Cloak of Resistance +7 inside a chest.
- The storyteller fades away when defeated and does not drop any loot.