Call of Stone
Location | Currantglen Gundrun |
Reward |
Call of Stone is a The Last Sarkorians DLC Quest in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Quests can provide unique adventuring experience, as well as powerful gears and treasures. Some quests are time-limited and some can only be completed with certain companions.
Call of Stone Information
The meeting with the wolf goddess has somewhat lifted the veil of mystery over Ulbrig's past, but his story still has plenty of gaps remaining. What matters is that the barbarian's visit to Gundrun has given him hope: he is not alone anymore. But how long can this tiny town of refugees last amid the flames of war?
Call of Stone Objectives
- Go to the Stone of Voices in Currantglen
- Enter the portal
- Explore the town
- Protect the forest temple
Call of Stone Walkthrough
Triggered at Act 3, Day 7.
Ulbrig will visit your Command Room and ask you to go to Currantglen again.
Enter the portal and visit town, you need to fight several swarm-like enemies before being welcomed by Ysenna and Sigvorn.
You need to pass through a guard to visit west side of the village. (Diplomacy DC 31, Intimidate DC 29, 5000 gold, or Mythic Trickster)
Go to the shrine, interact with it to meet Kerenai.
After a dialogue and book event you will be able to:
- Complete The Merchant's Request errand objective by asking about an ancient relic.
- Choose Ysenna, Svigorn or no one to receive Kerenai's blessing.
- If it's not Act 5 yet you will get A Conversation with Ulbrig (Call of Stone) errand.
Call of Stone important NPCs
Arysen Krei
Call of Stone Completed quest information
Next quest Call of Kin
If Ulbrig is romanced you will temporarily appear in Garden of the Gods instead of Currantglen. You will be able to continue his romance or end it there.
Call of Stone Tips & Tricks
- You can acquire lots of errands in this area.
- Notes and tips go here